1. lerna-changelog
Generate a changelog for a lerna monorepo
Package: lerna-changelog
Created by: lerna
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 11:37:00 GMT
Version: 2.2.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 105,291
Repository: https://github.com/lerna/lerna-changelog


npm install lerna-changelog
yarn add lerna-changelog


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PR-based changelog generator with monorepo support


 npx lerna-changelog
 ## Unreleased (2018-05-24)

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#198](https://github.com/my-org/my-repo/pull/198) Avoid an infinite loop ([@helpful-hacker](https://github.com/helpful-hacker))

#### :house: Internal
* [#183](https://github.com/my-org/my-repo/pull/183) Standardize error messages ([@careful-coder](https://github.com/careful-coder))

#### Commiters: 2
- Helpful Hacker ([@helpful-hacker](https://github.com/helpful-hacker))
- [@careful-coder](https://github.com/careful-coder)

By default lerna-changelog will show all pull requests that have been merged
since the latest tagged commit in the repository. That is however only true for
pull requests with certain labels applied. The labels that are supported by
default are:

  • breaking (:boom: Breaking Change)
  • enhancement (:rocket: Enhancement)
  • bug (:bug: Bug Fix)
  • documentation (:memo: Documentation)
  • internal (:house: Internal)

You can also use the --from and --to options to view a different
range of pull requests:

 npx lerna-changelog --from=v1.0.0 --to=v2.0.0

Monorepo support

If you have a packages folder and your projects in subfolders of that folder lerna-changelog will detect it and include the package names in the changelog for the relevant changes.

GitHub Token

Since lerna-changelog interacts with the GitHub API you may run into rate
limiting issues which can be resolved by supplying a "personal access token":

export GITHUB_AUTH="..."

You'll need a personal access token
for the GitHub API with the repo scope for private repositories or just
public_repo scope for public repositories.


You can configure lerna-changelog in various ways. The easiest way is by
adding a changelog key to the package.json file of your project:

  // ...
  "changelog": {
    "labels": {
      "feature": "New Feature",
      "bug": "Bug Fix"

The supported options are:

  • repo: Your "org/repo" on GitHub
    (automatically inferred from the package.json file)

  • nextVersion: Title for unreleased commits
    (e.g. Unreleased)

  • labels: GitHub PR labels mapped to changelog section headers

  • ignoreCommitters: List of committers to ignore (exact or partial match).
    Useful for example to ignore commits from bots.

  • cacheDir: Path to a GitHub API response cache to avoid throttling
    (e.g. .changelog)


lerna-changelog is released under the MIT License.


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