1. jest-watch-select-projects
An experimental ESLint runner for Jest
Package: jest-watch-select-projects
Created by: rogeliog
Last modified: Fri, 06 May 2022 12:50:27 GMT
Version: 2.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 959,115
Repository: https://github.com/rogeliog/jest-watch-select-projects


npm install jest-watch-select-projects
yarn add jest-watch-select-projects

Build Status npm version


Select which Jest project to run




Install jest(it needs Jest 23+) and jest-watch-select-projects

 yarn add --dev jest jest-watch-select-projects

# or with NPM

npm install --save-dev jest jest-watch-select-projects

Add it to your Jest config

In your package.json

  "jest": {
    "watchPlugins": ["jest-watch-select-projects"]

Or in jest.config.js

 module.exports = {
  watchPlugins: ['jest-watch-select-projects'],

Configuring your key and prompt name

 module.exports = {
  watchPlugins: [
        key: 'X',
        // function or string
        prompt() {
          const activeProjectsText = this._getActiveProjectsText();
          return 'do something with my custom prompt';

Run Jest in watch mode

 yarn jest --watch


Why is this running all of my projects?

Make certain that you're using the SPACE key to toggle the selected state of projects and the ENTER key to confirm your settings.


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