1. glob
the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
Package: glob
Created by: isaacs
Last modified: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 16:13:51 GMT
Version: 10.3.12
License: ISC
Downloads: 578,362,888
Repository: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob


npm install glob
yarn add glob


Match files using the patterns the shell uses.

The most correct and second fastest glob implementation in
JavaScript. (See Comparison to Other JavaScript Glob
at the bottom of this readme.)

a fun cartoon logo made of glob characters


Install with npm

npm i glob

Note the npm package name is not node-glob that's a
different thing that was abandoned years ago. Just glob.

 // load using import
import { glob, globSync, globStream, globStreamSync, Glob } from 'glob'
// or using commonjs, that's fine, too
const {
} = require('glob')

// the main glob() and globSync() resolve/return array of filenames

// all js files, but don't look in node_modules
const jsfiles = await glob('**/*.js', { ignore: 'node_modules/**' })

// pass in a signal to cancel the glob walk
const stopAfter100ms = await glob('**/*.css', {
  signal: AbortSignal.timeout(100),

// multiple patterns supported as well
const images = await glob(['css/*.{png,jpeg}', 'public/*.{png,jpeg}'])

// but of course you can do that with the glob pattern also
// the sync function is the same, just returns a string[] instead
// of Promise<string[]>
const imagesAlt = globSync('{css,public}/*.{png,jpeg}')

// you can also stream them, this is a Minipass stream
const filesStream = globStream(['**/*.dat', 'logs/**/*.log'])

// construct a Glob object if you wanna do it that way, which
// allows for much faster walks if you have to look in the same
// folder multiple times.
const g = new Glob('**/foo', {})
// glob objects are async iterators, can also do globIterate() or
// g.iterate(), same deal
for await (const file of g) {
  console.log('found a foo file:', file)
// pass a glob as the glob options to reuse its settings and caches
const g2 = new Glob('**/bar', g)
// sync iteration works as well
for (const file of g2) {
  console.log('found a bar file:', file)

// you can also pass withFileTypes: true to get Path objects
// these are like a Dirent, but with some more added powers
// check out http://npm.im/path-scurry for more info on their API
const g3 = new Glob('**/baz/**', { withFileTypes: true })
g3.stream().on('data', path => {
    'got a path object',
    path.readdirSync().map(e => e.name)

// if you use stat:true and withFileTypes, you can sort results
// by things like modified time, filter by permission mode, etc.
// All Stats fields will be available in that case. Slightly
// slower, though.
// For example:
const results = await glob('**', { stat: true, withFileTypes: true })

const timeSortedFiles = results
  .sort((a, b) => a.mtimeMs - b.mtimeMs)
  .map(path => path.fullpath())

const groupReadableFiles = results
  .filter(path => path.mode & 0o040)
  .map(path => path.fullpath())

// custom ignores can be done like this, for example by saying
// you'll ignore all markdown files, and all folders named 'docs'
const customIgnoreResults = await glob('**', {
  ignore: {
    ignored: p => /\.md$/.test(p.name),
    childrenIgnored: p => p.isNamed('docs'),

// another fun use case, only return files with the same name as
// their parent folder, plus either `.ts` or `.js`
const folderNamedModules = await glob('**/*.{ts,js}', {
  ignore: {
    ignored: p => {
      const pp = p.parent
      return !(p.isNamed(pp.name + '.ts') || p.isNamed(pp.name + '.js'))

// find all files edited in the last hour, to do this, we ignore
// all of them that are more than an hour old
const newFiles = await glob('**', {
  // need stat so we have mtime
  stat: true,
  // only want the files, not the dirs
  nodir: true,
  ignore: {
    ignored: p => {
      return new Date() - p.mtime > 60 * 60 * 1000
    // could add similar childrenIgnored here as well, but
    // directory mtime is inconsistent across platforms, so
    // probably better not to, unless you know the system
    // tracks this reliably.

Note Glob patterns should always use / as a path separator,
even on Windows systems, as \ is used to escape glob
characters. If you wish to use \ as a path separator instead
using it as an escape character on Windows platforms, you may
set windowsPathsNoEscape:true in the options. In this mode,
special glob characters cannot be escaped, making it impossible
to match a literal * ? and so on in filenames.

Command Line Interface

$ glob -h

  glob [options] [<pattern> [<pattern> ...]]

Expand the positional glob expression arguments into any matching file system
paths found.

  -c<command> --cmd=<command>
                         Run the command provided, passing the glob expression
                         matches as arguments.

  -A --all               By default, the glob cli command will not expand any
                         arguments that are an exact match to a file on disk.

                         This prevents double-expanding, in case the shell
                         expands an argument whose filename is a glob

                         For example, if 'app/*.ts' would match 'app/[id].ts',
                         then on Windows powershell or cmd.exe, 'glob app/*.ts'
                         will expand to 'app/[id].ts', as expected. However, in
                         posix shells such as bash or zsh, the shell will first
                         expand 'app/*.ts' to a list of filenames. Then glob
                         will look for a file matching 'app/[id].ts' (ie,
                         'app/i.ts' or 'app/d.ts'), which is unexpected.

                         Setting '--all' prevents this behavior, causing glob to
                         treat ALL patterns as glob expressions to be expanded,
                         even if they are an exact match to a file on disk.

                         When setting this option, be sure to enquote arguments
                         so that the shell will not expand them prior to passing
                         them to the glob command process.

  -a --absolute          Expand to absolute paths
  -d --dot-relative      Prepend './' on relative matches
  -m --mark              Append a / on any directories matched
  -x --posix             Always resolve to posix style paths, using '/' as the
                         directory separator, even on Windows. Drive letter
                         absolute matches on Windows will be expanded to their
                         full resolved UNC maths, eg instead of 'C:\foo\bar', it
                         will expand to '//?/C:/foo/bar'.

  -f --follow            Follow symlinked directories when expanding '**'
  -R --realpath          Call 'fs.realpath' on all of the results. In the case
                         of an entry that cannot be resolved, the entry is
                         omitted. This incurs a slight performance penalty, of
                         course, because of the added system calls.

  -s --stat              Call 'fs.lstat' on all entries, whether required or not
                         to determine if it's a valid match.

  -b --match-base        Perform a basename-only match if the pattern does not
                         contain any slash characters. That is, '*.js' would be
                         treated as equivalent to '**/*.js', matching js files
                         in all directories.

  --dot                  Allow patterns to match files/directories that start
                         with '.', even if the pattern does not start with '.'

  --nobrace              Do not expand {...} patterns
  --nocase               Perform a case-insensitive match. This defaults to
                         'true' on macOS and Windows platforms, and false on all

                         Note: 'nocase' should only be explicitly set when it is
                         known that the filesystem's case sensitivity differs
                         from the platform default. If set 'true' on
                         case-insensitive file systems, then the walk may return
                         more or less results than expected.

  --nodir                Do not match directories, only files.

                         Note: to *only* match directories, append a '/' at the
                         end of the pattern.

  --noext                Do not expand extglob patterns, such as '+(a|b)'
  --noglobstar           Do not expand '**' against multiple path portions. Ie,
                         treat it as a normal '*' instead.

                         Use '\' as a path separator *only*, and *never* as an
                         escape character. If set, all '\' characters are
                         replaced with '/' in the pattern.

  -D<n> --max-depth=<n>  Maximum depth to traverse from the current working

  -C<cwd> --cwd=<cwd>    Current working directory to execute/match in
  -r<root> --root=<root> A string path resolved against the 'cwd', which is used
                         as the starting point for absolute patterns that start
                         with '/' (but not drive letters or UNC paths on

                         Note that this *doesn't* necessarily limit the walk to
                         the 'root' directory, and doesn't affect the cwd
                         starting point for non-absolute patterns. A pattern
                         containing '..' will still be able to traverse out of
                         the root directory, if it is not an actual root
                         directory on the filesystem, and any non-absolute
                         patterns will still be matched in the 'cwd'.

                         To start absolute and non-absolute patterns in the same
                         path, you can use '--root=' to set it to the empty
                         string. However, be aware that on Windows systems, a
                         pattern like 'x:/*' or '//host/share/*' will *always*
                         start in the 'x:/' or '//host/share/' directory,
                         regardless of the --root setting.

  --platform=<platform>  Defaults to the value of 'process.platform' if
                         available, or 'linux' if not. Setting --platform=win32
                         on non-Windows systems may cause strange behavior!

  -i<ignore> --ignore=<ignore>
                         Glob patterns to ignore Can be set multiple times
  -v --debug             Output a huge amount of noisy debug information about
                         patterns as they are parsed and used to match files.

  -h --help              Show this usage information

glob(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => Promise<string[] | Path[]>

Perform an asynchronous glob search for the pattern(s) specified.
objects if the withFileTypes option is set to true. See below
for full options field desciptions.

globSync(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => string[] | Path[]

Synchronous form of glob().

Alias: glob.sync()

globIterate(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => AsyncGenerator<string>

Return an async iterator for walking glob pattern matches.

Alias: glob.iterate()

globIterateSync(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => Generator<string>

Return a sync iterator for walking glob pattern matches.

Alias: glob.iterate.sync(), glob.sync.iterate()

globStream(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => Minipass<string | Path>

Return a stream that emits all the strings or Path objects and
then emits end when completed.

Alias: glob.stream()

globStreamSync(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => Minipass<string | Path>

Syncronous form of globStream(). Will read all the matches as
fast as you consume them, even all in a single tick if you
consume them immediately, but will still respond to backpressure
if they're not consumed immediately.

Alias: glob.stream.sync(), glob.sync.stream()

hasMagic(pattern: string | string[], options?: GlobOptions) => boolean

Returns true if the provided pattern contains any "magic" glob
characters, given the options provided.

Brace expansion is not considered "magic" unless the
magicalBraces option is set, as brace expansion just turns one
string into an array of strings. So a pattern like 'x{a,b}y'
would return false, because 'xay' and 'xby' both do not
contain any magic glob characters, and it's treated the same as
if you had called it on ['xay', 'xby']. When
magicalBraces:true is in the options, brace expansion is
treated as a pattern having magic.

escape(pattern: string, options?: GlobOptions) => string

Escape all magic characters in a glob pattern, so that it will
only ever match literal strings

If the windowsPathsNoEscape option is used, then characters are
escaped by wrapping in [], because a magic character wrapped in
a character class can only be satisfied by that exact character.

Slashes (and backslashes in windowsPathsNoEscape mode) cannot
be escaped or unescaped.

unescape(pattern: string, options?: GlobOptions) => string

Un-escape a glob string that may contain some escaped characters.

If the windowsPathsNoEscape option is used, then square-brace
escapes are removed, but not backslash escapes. For example, it
will turn the string '[*]' into *, but it will not turn
'\\*' into '*', because \ is a path separator in
windowsPathsNoEscape mode.

When windowsPathsNoEscape is not set, then both brace escapes
and backslash escapes are removed.

Slashes (and backslashes in windowsPathsNoEscape mode) cannot
be escaped or unescaped.

Class Glob

An object that can perform glob pattern traversals.

const g = new Glob(pattern: string | string[], options: GlobOptions)

Options object is required.

See full options descriptions below.

Note that a previous Glob object can be passed as the
GlobOptions to another Glob instantiation to re-use settings
and caches with a new pattern.

Traversal functions can be called multiple times to run the walk


Stream results asynchronously,


Stream results synchronously.


Default async iteration function. Returns an AsyncGenerator that
iterates over the results.


Default sync iteration function. Returns a Generator that
iterates over the results.


Returns a Promise that resolves to the results array.


Returns a results array.


All options are stored as properties on the Glob object.

  • opts The options provided to the constructor.
  • patterns An array of parsed immutable Pattern objects.


Exported as GlobOptions TypeScript interface. A GlobOptions
object may be provided to any of the exported methods, and must
be provided to the Glob constructor.

All options are optional, boolean, and false by default, unless
otherwise noted.

All resolved options are added to the Glob object as properties.

If you are running many glob operations, you can pass a Glob
object as the options argument to a subsequent operation to
share the previously loaded cache.

  • cwd String path or file:// string or URL object. The
    current working directory in which to search. Defaults to
    process.cwd(). See also: "Windows, CWDs, Drive Letters, and
    UNC Paths", below.

    This option may be either a string path or a file:// URL
    object or string.

  • root A string path resolved against the cwd option, which
    is used as the starting point for absolute patterns that start
    with /, (but not drive letters or UNC paths on Windows).

    Note that this doesn't necessarily limit the walk to the
    root directory, and doesn't affect the cwd starting point for
    non-absolute patterns. A pattern containing .. will still be
    able to traverse out of the root directory, if it is not an
    actual root directory on the filesystem, and any non-absolute
    patterns will be matched in the cwd. For example, the
    pattern /../* with {root:'/some/path'} will return all
    files in /some, not all files in /some/path. The pattern
    * with {root:'/some/path'} will return all the entries in
    the cwd, not the entries in /some/path.

    To start absolute and non-absolute patterns in the same
    path, you can use {root:''}. However, be aware that on
    Windows systems, a pattern like x:/* or //host/share/* will
    always start in the x:/ or //host/share directory,
    regardless of the root setting.

  • windowsPathsNoEscape Use \\ as a path separator only, and
    never as an escape character. If set, all \\ characters are
    replaced with / in the pattern.

    Note that this makes it impossible to match against paths
    containing literal glob pattern characters, but allows matching
    with patterns constructed using path.join() and
    path.resolve() on Windows platforms, mimicking the (buggy!)
    behavior of Glob v7 and before on Windows. Please use with
    caution, and be mindful of the caveat below about Windows
    . (For legacy reasons, this is also set if
    allowWindowsEscape is set to the exact value false.)

  • dot Include .dot files in normal matches and globstar
    matches. Note that an explicit dot in a portion of the pattern
    will always match dot files.

  • magicalBraces Treat brace expansion like {a,b} as a "magic"
    pattern. Has no effect if {@link nobrace} is set.

    Only has effect on the {@link hasMagic} function, no effect on
    glob pattern matching itself.

  • dotRelative Prepend all relative path strings with ./ (or
    .\ on Windows).

    Without this option, returned relative paths are "bare", so
    instead of returning './foo/bar', they are returned as

    Relative patterns starting with '../' are not prepended with
    ./, even if this option is set.

  • mark Add a / character to directory matches. Note that this
    requires additional stat calls.

  • nobrace Do not expand {a,b} and {1..3} brace sets.

  • noglobstar Do not match ** against multiple filenames. (Ie,
    treat it as a normal * instead.)

  • noext Do not match "extglob" patterns such as +(a|b).

  • nocase Perform a case-insensitive match. This defaults to
    true on macOS and Windows systems, and false on all others.

    Note nocase should only be explicitly set when it is
    known that the filesystem's case sensitivity differs from the
    platform default. If set true on case-sensitive file
    systems, or false on case-insensitive file systems, then the
    walk may return more or less results than expected.

  • maxDepth Specify a number to limit the depth of the directory
    traversal to this many levels below the cwd.

  • matchBase Perform a basename-only match if the pattern does
    not contain any slash characters. That is, *.js would be
    treated as equivalent to **/*.js, matching all js files in
    all directories.

  • nodir Do not match directories, only files. (Note: to match
    only directories, put a / at the end of the pattern.)

    Note: when follow and nodir are both set, then symbolic
    links to directories are also omitted.

  • stat Call lstat() on all entries, whether required or not
    to determine whether it's a valid match. When used with
    withFileTypes, this means that matches will include data such
    as modified time, permissions, and so on. Note that this will
    incur a performance cost due to the added system calls.

  • ignore string or string[], or an object with ignore and
    ignoreChildren methods.

    If a string or string[] is provided, then this is treated as a
    glob pattern or array of glob patterns to exclude from matches.
    To ignore all children within a directory, as well as the entry
    itself, append '/**' to the ignore pattern.

    Note ignore patterns are always in dot:true mode,
    regardless of any other settings.

    If an object is provided that has ignored(path) and/or
    childrenIgnored(path) methods, then these methods will be
    called to determine whether any Path is a match or if its
    children should be traversed, respectively.

  • follow Follow symlinked directories when expanding **
    patterns. This can result in a lot of duplicate references in
    the presence of cyclic links, and make performance quite bad.

    By default, a ** in a pattern will follow 1 symbolic link if
    it is not the first item in the pattern, or none if it is the
    first item in the pattern, following the same behavior as Bash.

    Note: when follow and nodir are both set, then symbolic
    links to directories are also omitted.

  • realpath Set to true to call fs.realpath on all of the
    results. In the case of an entry that cannot be resolved, the
    entry is omitted. This incurs a slight performance penalty, of
    course, because of the added system calls.

  • absolute Set to true to always receive absolute paths for
    matched files. Set to false to always receive relative paths
    for matched files.

    By default, when this option is not set, absolute paths are
    returned for patterns that are absolute, and otherwise paths
    are returned that are relative to the cwd setting.

    This does not make an extra system call to get the realpath,
    it only does string path resolution.

    absolute may not be used along with withFileTypes.

  • posix Set to true to use / as the path separator in
    returned results. On posix systems, this has no effect. On
    Windows systems, this will return / delimited path results,
    and absolute paths will be returned in their full resolved UNC
    path form, eg insted of 'C:\\foo\\bar', it will return

  • platform Defaults to value of process.platform if
    available, or 'linux' if not. Setting platform:'win32' on
    non-Windows systems may cause strange behavior.

  • withFileTypes Return PathScurry
    Path objects instead of strings. These are similar to a
    NodeJS Dirent object, but with additional methods and

    withFileTypes may not be used along with absolute.

  • signal An AbortSignal which will cancel the Glob walk when

  • fs An override object to pass in custom filesystem methods.
    See PathScurry docs for what can
    be overridden.

  • scurry A PathScurry object used
    to traverse the file system. If the nocase option is set
    explicitly, then any provided scurry object must match this

Glob Primer

Much more information about glob pattern expansion can be found
by running man bash and searching for Pattern Matching.

"Globs" are the patterns you type when you do stuff like ls *.js on the command line, or put build/* in a .gitignore

Before parsing the path part patterns, braced sections are
expanded into a set. Braced sections start with { and end with
}, with 2 or more comma-delimited sections within. Braced
sections may contain slash characters, so a{/b/c,bcd} would
expand into a/b/c and abcd.

The following characters have special magic meaning when used in
a path portion. With the exception of **, none of these match
path separators (ie, / on all platforms, and \ on Windows).

  • * Matches 0 or more characters in a single path portion.
    When alone in a path portion, it must match at least 1
    character. If dot:true is not specified, then * will not
    match against a . character at the start of a path portion.
  • ? Matches 1 character. If dot:true is not specified, then
    ? will not match against a . character at the start of a
    path portion.
  • [...] Matches a range of characters, similar to a RegExp
    range. If the first character of the range is ! or ^ then
    it matches any character not in the range. If the first
    character is ], then it will be considered the same as \],
    rather than the end of the character class.
  • !(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches anything that does not
    match any of the patterns provided. May not contain /
    characters. Similar to *, if alone in a path portion, then
    the path portion must have at least one character.
  • ?(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches zero or one occurrence of
    the patterns provided. May not contain / characters.
  • +(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches one or more occurrences of
    the patterns provided. May not contain / characters.
  • *(a|b|c) Matches zero or more occurrences of the patterns
    provided. May not contain / characters.
  • @(pattern|pat*|pat?erN) Matches exactly one of the patterns
    provided. May not contain / characters.
  • ** If a "globstar" is alone in a path portion, then it
    matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching
    for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories, unless
    {follow:true} is passed in the options object. A pattern
    like a/b/** will only match a/b if it is a directory.
    Follows 1 symbolic link if not the first item in the pattern,
    or 0 if it is the first item, unless follow:true is set, in
    which case it follows all symbolic links.

[:class:] patterns are supported by this implementation, but
[=c=] and [.symbol.] style class patterns are not.


If a file or directory path portion has a . as the first
character, then it will not match any glob pattern unless that
pattern's corresponding path part also has a . as its first

For example, the pattern a/.*/c would match the file at
a/.b/c. However the pattern a/*/c would not, because * does
not start with a dot character.

You can make glob treat dots as normal characters by setting
dot:true in the options.

Basename Matching

If you set matchBase:true in the options, and the pattern has
no slashes in it, then it will seek for any file anywhere in the
tree with a matching basename. For example, *.js would match

Empty Sets

If no matching files are found, then an empty array is returned.
This differs from the shell, where the pattern itself is
returned. For example:

 $ echo a*s*d*f

Comparisons to other fnmatch/glob implementations

While strict compliance with the existing standards is a
worthwhile goal, some discrepancies exist between node-glob and
other implementations, and are intentional.

The double-star character ** is supported by default, unless
the noglobstar flag is set. This is supported in the manner of
bsdglob and bash 5, where ** only has special significance if
it is the only thing in a path part. That is, a/**/b will match
a/x/y/b, but a/**b will not.

Note that symlinked directories are not traversed as part of a
**, though their contents may match against subsequent portions
of the pattern. This prevents infinite loops and duplicates and
the like. You can force glob to traverse symlinks with ** by
setting {follow:true} in the options.

There is no equivalent of the nonull option. A pattern that
does not find any matches simply resolves to nothing. (An empty
array, immediately ended stream, etc.)

If brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed before
any other interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a pattern
like +(a|{b),c)}, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, is
expanded first into the set of +(a|b) and +(a|c), and
those patterns are checked for validity. Since those two are
valid, matching proceeds.

The character class patterns [:class:] (posix standard named
classes) style class patterns are supported and unicode-aware,
but [=c=] (locale-specific character collation weight), and
[.symbol.] (collating symbol), are not.

Repeated Slashes

Unlike Bash and zsh, repeated / are always coalesced into a
single path separator.

Comments and Negation

Previously, this module let you mark a pattern as a "comment" if
it started with a # character, or a "negated" pattern if it
started with a ! character.

These options were deprecated in version 5, and removed in
version 6.

To specify things that should not match, use the ignore option.


Please only use forward-slashes in glob expressions.

Though windows uses either / or \ as its path separator, only
/ characters are used by this glob implementation. You must use
forward-slashes only in glob expressions. Back-slashes will
always be interpreted as escape characters, not path separators.

Results from absolute patterns such as /foo/* are mounted onto
the root setting using path.join. On windows, this will by
default result in /foo/* matching C:\foo\bar.txt.

To automatically coerce all \ characters to / in pattern
strings, thus making it impossible to escape literal glob
, you may set the windowsPathsNoEscape option to

Windows, CWDs, Drive Letters, and UNC Paths

On posix systems, when a pattern starts with /, any cwd
option is ignored, and the traversal starts at /, plus any
non-magic path portions specified in the pattern.

On Windows systems, the behavior is similar, but the concept of
an "absolute path" is somewhat more involved.

UNC Paths

A UNC path may be used as the start of a pattern on Windows
platforms. For example, a pattern like: //?/x:/* will return
all file entries in the root of the x: drive. A pattern like
//ComputerName/Share/* will return all files in the associated

UNC path roots are always compared case insensitively.

Drive Letters

A pattern starting with a drive letter, like c:/*, will search
in that drive, regardless of any cwd option provided.

If the pattern starts with /, and is not a UNC path, and there
is an explicit cwd option set with a drive letter, then the
drive letter in the cwd is used as the root of the directory

For example, glob('/tmp', { cwd: 'c:/any/thing' }) will return
['c:/tmp'] as the result.

If an explicit cwd option is not provided, and the pattern
starts with /, then the traversal will run on the root of the
drive provided as the cwd option. (That is, it is the result of

Race Conditions

Glob searching, by its very nature, is susceptible to race
conditions, since it relies on directory walking.

As a result, it is possible that a file that exists when glob
looks for it may have been deleted or modified by the time it
returns the result.

By design, this implementation caches all readdir calls that it
makes, in order to cut down on system overhead. However, this
also makes it even more susceptible to races, especially if the
cache object is reused between glob calls.

Users are thus advised not to use a glob result as a guarantee of
filesystem state in the face of rapid changes. For the vast
majority of operations, this is never a problem.

See Also:

Glob's logo was created by Tanya
. Logo files can be found

The logo is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Any change to behavior (including bugfixes) must come with a

Patches that fail tests or reduce performance will be rejected.

 # to run tests
npm test

# to re-generate test fixtures
npm run test-regen

# run the benchmarks
npm run bench

# to profile javascript
npm run prof

Comparison to Other JavaScript Glob Implementations


  • If you want glob matching that is as faithful as possible to
    Bash pattern expansion semantics, and as fast as possible
    within that constraint, use this module.
  • If you are reasonably sure that the patterns you will encounter
    are relatively simple, and want the absolutely fastest glob
    matcher out there, use fast-glob.
  • If you are reasonably sure that the patterns you will encounter
    are relatively simple, and want the convenience of
    automatically respecting .gitignore files, use

There are some other glob matcher libraries on npm, but these
three are (in my opinion, as of 2023) the best.

full explanation

Every library reflects a set of opinions and priorities in the
trade-offs it makes. Other than this library, I can personally
recommend both globby and
fast-glob, though they differ in their
benefits and drawbacks.

Both have very nice APIs and are reasonably fast.

fast-glob is, as far as I am aware, the fastest glob
implementation in JavaScript today. However, there are many
cases where the choices that fast-glob makes in pursuit of
speed mean that its results differ from the results returned by
Bash and other sh-like shells, which may be surprising.

In my testing, fast-glob is around 10-20% faster than this
module when walking over 200k files nested 4 directories
deep1. However, there are some inconsistencies
with Bash matching behavior that this module does not suffer

  • ** only matches files, not directories
  • .. path portions are not handled unless they appear at the
    start of the pattern
  • ./!(<pattern>) will not match any files that start with
    <pattern>, even if they do not match <pattern>. For
    example, !(9).txt will not match 9999.txt.
  • Some brace patterns in the middle of a pattern will result in
    failing to find certain matches.
  • Extglob patterns are allowed to contain / characters.

Globby exhibits all of the same pattern semantics as fast-glob,
(as it is a wrapper around fast-glob) and is slightly slower than
node-glob (by about 10-20% in the benchmark test set, or in other
words, anywhere from 20-50% slower than fast-glob). However, it
adds some API conveniences that may be worth the costs.

  • Support for .gitignore and other ignore files.
  • Support for negated globs (ie, patterns starting with !
    rather than using a separate ignore option).

The priority of this module is "correctness" in the sense of
performing a glob pattern expansion as faithfully as possible to
the behavior of Bash and other sh-like shells, with as much speed
as possible.

Note that prior versions of node-glob are not on this list.
Former versions of this module are far too slow for any cases
where performance matters at all, and were designed with APIs
that are extremely dated by current JavaScript standards.

[1]: In the cases where this module
returns results and fast-glob doesn't, it's even faster, of

lumpy space princess saying 'oh my GLOB'

Benchmark Results

First number is time, smaller is better.

Second number is the count of results returned.

--- pattern: '**' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.598s  200364
node globby sync                0m0.765s  200364
node current globSync mjs       0m0.683s  222656
node current glob syncStream    0m0.649s  222656
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.350s  200364
node globby async               0m0.509s  200364
node current glob async mjs     0m0.463s  222656
node current glob stream        0m0.411s  222656

--- pattern: '**/..' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.486s  0
node globby sync                0m0.769s  200364
node current globSync mjs       0m0.564s  2242
node current glob syncStream    0m0.583s  2242
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.283s  0
node globby async               0m0.512s  200364
node current glob async mjs     0m0.299s  2242
node current glob stream        0m0.312s  2242

--- pattern: './**/0/**/0/**/0/**/0/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.490s  10
node globby sync                0m0.517s  10
node current globSync mjs       0m0.540s  10
node current glob syncStream    0m0.550s  10
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.290s  10
node globby async               0m0.296s  10
node current glob async mjs     0m0.278s  10
node current glob stream        0m0.302s  10

--- pattern: './**/[01]/**/[12]/**/[23]/**/[45]/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.500s  160
node globby sync                0m0.528s  160
node current globSync mjs       0m0.556s  160
node current glob syncStream    0m0.573s  160
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.283s  160
node globby async               0m0.301s  160
node current glob async mjs     0m0.306s  160
node current glob stream        0m0.322s  160

--- pattern: './**/0/**/0/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.502s  5230
node globby sync                0m0.527s  5230
node current globSync mjs       0m0.544s  5230
node current glob syncStream    0m0.557s  5230
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.285s  5230
node globby async               0m0.305s  5230
node current glob async mjs     0m0.304s  5230
node current glob stream        0m0.310s  5230

--- pattern: '**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.580s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.771s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.685s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.649s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.349s  200023
node globby async               0m0.509s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.427s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.388s  200023

--- pattern: '{**/*.txt,**/?/**/*.txt,**/?/**/?/**/*.txt,**/?/**/?/**/?/**/*.txt,**/?/**/?/**/?/**/?/**/*.txt}' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.589s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.771s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.716s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.684s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.351s  200023
node globby async               0m0.518s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.462s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.468s  200023

--- pattern: '**/5555/0000/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.496s  1000
node globby sync                0m0.519s  1000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.539s  1000
node current glob syncStream    0m0.567s  1000
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.285s  1000
node globby async               0m0.299s  1000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.305s  1000
node current glob stream        0m0.301s  1000

--- pattern: './**/0/**/../[01]/**/0/../**/0/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.484s  0
node globby sync                0m0.507s  0
node current globSync mjs       0m0.577s  4880
node current glob syncStream    0m0.586s  4880
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.280s  0
node globby async               0m0.298s  0
node current glob async mjs     0m0.327s  4880
node current glob stream        0m0.324s  4880

--- pattern: '**/????/????/????/????/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.547s  100000
node globby sync                0m0.673s  100000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.626s  100000
node current glob syncStream    0m0.618s  100000
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.315s  100000
node globby async               0m0.414s  100000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.366s  100000
node current glob stream        0m0.345s  100000

--- pattern: './{**/?{/**/?{/**/?{/**/?,,,,},,,,},,,,},,,}/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.588s  100000
node globby sync                0m0.670s  100000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.717s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.687s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.343s  100000
node globby async               0m0.418s  100000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.519s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.451s  200023

--- pattern: '**/!(0|9).txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.573s  160023
node globby sync                0m0.731s  160023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.680s  180023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.659s  180023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.345s  160023
node globby async               0m0.476s  160023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.427s  180023
node current glob stream        0m0.388s  180023

--- pattern: './{*/**/../{*/**/../{*/**/../{*/**/../{*/**,,,,},,,,},,,,},,,,},,,,}/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.483s  0
node globby sync                0m0.512s  0
node current globSync mjs       0m0.811s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.773s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.280s  0
node globby async               0m0.299s  0
node current glob async mjs     0m0.617s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.568s  200023

--- pattern: './*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.485s  0
node globby sync                0m0.507s  0
node current globSync mjs       0m0.759s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.740s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.281s  0
node globby async               0m0.297s  0
node current glob async mjs     0m0.544s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.464s  200023

--- pattern: './*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/../*/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.486s  0
node globby sync                0m0.513s  0
node current globSync mjs       0m0.734s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.696s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.286s  0
node globby async               0m0.296s  0
node current glob async mjs     0m0.506s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.483s  200023

--- pattern: './0/**/../1/**/../2/**/../3/**/../4/**/../5/**/../6/**/../7/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.060s  0
node globby sync                0m0.074s  0
node current globSync mjs       0m0.067s  0
node current glob syncStream    0m0.066s  0
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.060s  0
node globby async               0m0.075s  0
node current glob async mjs     0m0.066s  0
node current glob stream        0m0.067s  0

--- pattern: './**/?/**/?/**/?/**/?/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.568s  100000
node globby sync                0m0.651s  100000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.619s  100000
node current glob syncStream    0m0.617s  100000
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.332s  100000
node globby async               0m0.409s  100000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.372s  100000
node current glob stream        0m0.351s  100000

--- pattern: '**/*/**/*/**/*/**/*/**' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.603s  200113
node globby sync                0m0.798s  200113
node current globSync mjs       0m0.730s  222137
node current glob syncStream    0m0.693s  222137
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.356s  200113
node globby async               0m0.525s  200113
node current glob async mjs     0m0.508s  222137
node current glob stream        0m0.455s  222137

--- pattern: './**/*/**/*/**/*/**/*/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.622s  200000
node globby sync                0m0.792s  200000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.722s  200000
node current glob syncStream    0m0.695s  200000
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.369s  200000
node globby async               0m0.527s  200000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.502s  200000
node current glob stream        0m0.481s  200000

--- pattern: '**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.588s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.771s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.684s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.658s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.352s  200023
node globby async               0m0.516s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.432s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.384s  200023

--- pattern: './**/**/**/**/**/**/**/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.589s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.766s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.682s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.652s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.352s  200023
node globby async               0m0.523s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.436s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.380s  200023

--- pattern: '**/*/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.592s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.776s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.691s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.659s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.357s  200023
node globby async               0m0.513s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.471s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.424s  200023

--- pattern: '**/*/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.585s  200023
node globby sync                0m0.766s  200023
node current globSync mjs       0m0.694s  200023
node current glob syncStream    0m0.664s  200023
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.350s  200023
node globby async               0m0.514s  200023
node current glob async mjs     0m0.472s  200023
node current glob stream        0m0.424s  200023

--- pattern: '**/[0-9]/**/*.txt' ---
~~ sync ~~
node fast-glob sync             0m0.544s  100000
node globby sync                0m0.636s  100000
node current globSync mjs       0m0.626s  100000
node current glob syncStream    0m0.621s  100000
~~ async ~~
node fast-glob async            0m0.322s  100000
node globby async               0m0.404s  100000
node current glob async mjs     0m0.360s  100000
node current glob stream        0m0.352s  100000


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