1. es6-template-strings
Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6
Package: es6-template-strings
Created by: medikoo
Last modified: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 17:06:58 GMT
Version: 2.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 153,546
Repository: https://github.com/medikoo/es6-template-strings


npm install es6-template-strings
yarn add es6-template-strings


Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6


var template = require('es6-template-strings');

// Hello WORLD!
console.log(template('Hello ${place.toUpperCase()}!', { place: "World" }));

// You can reuse same templates:
var compile = require('es6-template-strings/compile')
  , resolveToString = require('es6-template-strings/resolve-to-string')

  , compiled = compile('Welcome to ${siteName}, you are visitor number ${visitorNumber}!');

// Welcome to MySite, you are visitor number 137!
console.log(resolveToString(compiled, { siteName: "MySite", visitorNumber: 137 }));

// Welcome to OtherSite, you are visitor number 777!
console.log(resolveToString(compiled, { siteName: "OtherSite", visitorNumber: 777 }));

// You may prepare custom tag functions
var resolve = require('es6-template-strings/resolve');

var customTag = function (literals/*, …substitutions*/) {
	// Process input and return result string

// Output template processed by customTag:
customTag.apply(null, resolve(compiled, {/* context */}));



In your project path:

$ npm install es6-template-strings

You can easily bundle es6-template-strings for browser with modules-webmake

Tests Build Status

$ npm test


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