1. camelcase-keys
Convert object keys to camel case
Package: camelcase-keys
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 12:58:35 GMT
Version: 9.1.3
License: MIT
Downloads: 68,176,699
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/camelcase-keys


npm install camelcase-keys
yarn add camelcase-keys


Convert object keys to camel case using camelcase


 npm install camelcase-keys


 import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

// Convert an object
camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true});
//=> {fooBar: true}

// Convert an array of objects
camelcaseKeys([{'foo-bar': true}, {'bar-foo': false}]);
//=> [{fooBar: true}, {barFoo: false}]
 import {parseArgs} from 'node:util';
import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

const commandLineArguments = parseArgs();
//=> {_: [], 'foo-bar': true}

//=> {_: [], fooBar: true}


camelcaseKeys(input, options?)


Type: Record<string, unknown> | ReadonlyArray<Record<string, unknown>>

A plain object or array of plain objects to camel-case.


Type: object


Type: Array<string | RegExp>
Default: []

Exclude keys from being camel-cased.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Recurse nested objects and objects in arrays.

 import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

const object = {
	'foo-bar': true,
	nested: {
		unicorn_rainbow: true

camelcaseKeys(object, {deep: true});
//=> {fooBar: true, nested: {unicornRainbow: true}}

camelcaseKeys(object, {deep: false});
//=> {fooBar: true, nested: {unicorn_rainbow: true}}

Type: boolean
Default: false

Uppercase the first character: bye-byeByeBye

 import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true}, {pascalCase: true});
//=> {FooBar: true}

camelcaseKeys({'foo-bar': true}, {pascalCase: false});
//=> {fooBar: true}

Type: boolean
Default: false

Preserve consecutive uppercase characters: foo-BARFooBAR

 import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

camelcaseKeys({'foo-BAR': true}, {preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true});
//=> {fooBAR: true}

camelcaseKeys({'foo-BAR': true}, {preserveConsecutiveUppercase: false});
//=> {fooBar: true}

Type: string[]
Default: []

Exclude children at the given object paths in dot-notation from being camel-cased.

For example, with an object like {a: {b: '🦄'}}, the object path to reach the unicorn is 'a.b'.

 import camelcaseKeys from 'camelcase-keys';

const object = {
	a_b: 1,
	a_c: {
		c_d: 1,
		c_e: {
			e_f: 1

camelcaseKeys(object, {
	deep: true,
	stopPaths: [
	aB: 1,
	aC: {
		cD: 1,
		cE: {
			e_f: 1


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