1. @soda/get-current-script
get the current executing script, with polyfills for IE9+ and Firefox
Package: @soda/get-current-script
Created by: sodatea
Last modified: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 01:07:11 GMT
Version: 1.0.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 2,432,861
Repository: https://github.com/sodatea/get-current-script


npm install @soda/get-current-script
yarn add @soda/get-current-script

@soda/get-current-script CI

It is basically a function that returns document.currentScript but with support for IE9-11, thanks to https://github.com/amiller-gh/currentScript-polyfill.

It also works around a Firefox issue when the script is called in a microtask, which makes document.currentScript unusable in a webpack dynamic-imported chunk.

It is shipped as a utility function rather than a polyfill, because we can't easily tell if the document.currentScript is returning null due to the Firefox issue or because it's running in an event handler / a callback.

The implementation here may not adhere strictly to document.currentScript spec when called in async code or in a callback. In these situations the spec calls for document.currentScript to return null. However, for the grand majority of your document.currentScript needs, this utility will do the job!


 npm i @soda/get-current-script
 const getCurrentScript = require('@soda/get-current-script')
const script = getCurrentScript() // the current executing <script> element


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