1. @release-it/conventional-changelog
Conventional changelog plugin for release-it
Package: @release-it/conventional-changelog
Created by: release-it
Last modified: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 11:10:17 GMT
Version: 8.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 505,351
Repository: https://github.com/release-it/conventional-changelog


npm install @release-it/conventional-changelog
yarn add @release-it/conventional-changelog

Conventional Changelog plugin for release-it

This plugin will provide the recommended bump to release-it, and update the changelog file (e.g. CHANGELOG.md).

npm install --save-dev @release-it/conventional-changelog


In the release-it config, for example:

 "plugins": {
  "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
    "preset": {
      "name": "angular"
    "infile": "CHANGELOG.md"

Options are passed verbatim to


Use one of:

  • angular
  • atom
  • codemirror
  • conventionalcommits
  • ember
  • eslint
  • express
  • jquery
  • jscs
  • jshint

Use an object with name and types to use a custom preset:

 "plugins": {
  "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
    "infile": "CHANGELOG.md",
    "preset": {
      "name": "conventionalcommits",
      "types": [
          "type": "feat",
          "section": "Features"
          "type": "fix",
          "section": "Bug Fixes"

See the
Conventional Changelog Configuration Spec (v2.1.0)
for the configuration object to pass as preset.


Default value: undefined

  • Set a filename as infile to write the changelog to. If this file does not exist yet, it's created with the full
  • When infile is not set, the changelog generated by this plugin will still be used as release notes for e.g.
    GitHub Releases.
  • Set infile: false to disable the changelog writing (and only use the recommended bump for the next version).


Set the main header for the changelog document:

  "plugins": {
    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
      "infile": "CHANGELOG.md",
      "header": "# Changelog",
      "preset": {
        "name": "conventionalcommits"


Default value: false

Use true to ignore the recommended bump, and use the version provided by release-it (command line argument or prompt).

(Note that the changelog preview shows the recommended bump, as the desired version isn't known yet. The infile will
have the correct version.)


Default value: false

Use true to strictly follow semver, also in consecutive pre-releases. This means that from a pre-release, a
recommended bump will result in a next pre-release for the next version.

For example, from 1.0.0-alpha.0 a recommended bump of minor will result in a preminor bump to 1.1.0-alpha.0
(whereas the default behavior without this flag results in a prerelease bump to 1.0.0-alpha.1).


Default value: undefined

This option will be passed as the second argument (context) to
for example:

 "plugins": {
  "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
    "context": {
      "linkCompare": false


Default value: undefined

Options for
For example, you can use the following option to include merge commits into changelog:

  "plugins": {
    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
      "gitRawCommitsOpts": {
        "merges": null


Default value: undefined

Options for
For example, you can use the following option to set the merge pattern during parsing the commit message:

  "plugins": {
    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
      "parserOpts": {
        "mergePattern": "^Merge pull request #(\\d+) from (.*)$"


Default value: undefined

Options for
For example, you can use the following option to group the commits by 'scope' instead of 'type' by default.

  "plugins": {
    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
      "writerOpts": {
        "groupBy": "scope"

If you want to customize the templates used to write the changelog, you can do it like in a .release-it.js file like

 const fs = require('fs');

const commitTemplate = fs.readFileSync('commit.hbs').toString();

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    '@release-it/conventional-changelog': {
      writerOpts: {
        commitPartial: commitTemplate


Options for this plugin can be set from the command line. Some examples:

release-it --plugins.@release-it/conventional-changelog.infile=history.md
release-it --no-plugins.@release-it/conventional-changelog.infile
  • Keys are separated by dots.
  • Values can be negated by prefixing the key with no-.
  • Arguments may need to be single-quoted (') such as --'deep.key=value' or '--deep.key=value'

Depending on your shell or OS this may differ.

GitHub Actions

When using this plugin in a GitHub Action, make sure to set
fetch-depth: 0 so the history is
available to determine the correct recommended bump and changelog.

Also see https://github.com/release-it/release-it/blob/master/docs/ci.md#github-actions


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