1. conventional-changelog
Generate a changelog from git metadata
Package: conventional-changelog
Created by: conventional-changelog
Last modified: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 23:02:47 GMT
Version: 5.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 4,569,131
Repository: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog


npm install conventional-changelog
yarn add conventional-changelog

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status

Generate a changelog from git metadata


You most likely only need to use this module if you're building a library that provides an abstraction on top of conventional commits, See Getting started if you're an end-user.

 $ npm install --save conventional-changelog
 var conventionalChangelog = require('conventional-changelog');

  preset: 'angular'
  .pipe(process.stdout); // or any writable stream

Or if you want to use your own custom preset:

 var conventionalChangelog = require('conventional-changelog');

var config = require('@org/conventional-changelog-custom-preset');
  .pipe(process.stdout); // or any writable stream


conventionalChangelog([options, [context, [gitRawCommitsOpts, [parserOpts, [writerOpts]]]]])

Returns a readable stream.


See the conventional-changelog-core docs. The API is the same with the following changes or additions:


Type: string Possible values: 'angular', 'atom', 'codemirror', 'conventionalcommits', 'ember', 'eslint', 'express', 'jquery', 'jshint'

It's recommended to use a preset so you don't have to define everything yourself. Presets are names of built-in config.

A scoped preset package such as @scope/conventional-changelog-custom-preset can be used by passing @scope/custom-preset to this option.

NOTE: options.config will be overwritten by the values of preset. You should use either preset or config, but not both.

Notes for parent modules




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