1. yeoman-test
Test utilities for Yeoman generators
Package: yeoman-test
Created by: yeoman
Last modified: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 12:47:53 GMT
Version: 8.2.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 548,125
Repository: https://github.com/yeoman/yeoman-test


npm install yeoman-test
yarn add yeoman-test


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Test utilities for Yeoman generators


 $ npm install --save-dev yeoman-test

Install target environment and generator:

 $ npm install --save-dev yeoman-generator@xxx yeoman-environment@xxx



 import helpers from 'yeoman-test';

describe('generator test', () => {
  describe('test', () => {
    let runResult;
    beforeEach(async () => {
      runResult = await helpers
        .create(                   // instantiates RunContext
          'namespace',             // namespace or generator
          {},                      // test options
          {}                       // environment options
        [.cd(dir)]                  // runs the test inside a non temporary dir
        [.onTargetDirectory(dir => {})        // prepares the test dir
        [.withGenerators([])]       // registers additional generators
        [.withLookups({})]          // runs Environment lookups
        [.withOptions({})]          // passes options to the generator
        [.withLocalConfig({})]      // sets the generator config as soon as it is instantiated
        [.withAnswers()]            // simulates the prompt answers
        [.withMockedGenerators(['namespace', ...])]      // adds a mocked generator to the namespaces
          'foo.txt': 'bar',
          'test.json', { content: true },
        })]                         // add files to mem-fs
        [.withYoRc({ 'generator-foo': { bar: {} } })]    // add config to .yo-rc.json
        [.withYoRcConfig('generator-foo.bar', { : {} })] // same as above
        [.commitFiles()]            // commit mem-fs files to disk
        [.onGenerator(gen => {})]   // do something with the generator
        [.onEnvironment(env => {})] // do something with the environment
        [.build(runContext => {     // instantiates Environment/Generator
          [runContext.env...]       // does something with the environment
          [runContext.generator...] // does something with the generator
        .run();                     // runs the environment, promises a RunResult
      [result.create().run()] // instantiates a new RunContext at the same directory
    afterEach(() => {
      if (runResult) {
        // Optional if context is executed at a temporary folder
    it('runs correctly', () => {
      // runs assertions using mem-fs.
      [runResult.assertFileContent('file.txt', 'content');]
      [runResult.assertEqualsFileContent('file.txt', 'content');]
      [runResult.assertNoFileContent('file.txt', 'content');]
      [runResult.assertJsonFileContent('file.txt', {});]
      [runResult.assertNoJsonFileContent('file.txt', {});]

Convenience last RunResult instance:

 import helpers, { result } from 'yeoman-test';

describe('generator test', () => {
  before(() => helpers.run('namespace'));
  it('test', () => {

Generator compose:

 import assert from 'assert';
import helpers, { result } from 'yeoman-test';

describe('my-gen', () => {
  before(() => helpers.run('my-gen').withMockedGenerator(['composed-gen']));
  it('should compose with composed-gen', () => {

Generic test folder:

 import helpers, { result } from 'yeoman-test';

describe('generic test', () => {
  before(() => helpers.prepareTemporaryDir());
  it('test', () => {

See our api documentation for latest yeoman-test release.

See our api documentation for yeoman-test 5.0.1. Use 5.x for yeoman-environment 2.x support.

See our api documentation for yeoman-test 2.x.

See our documentation for yeoman-test 2.x.


MIT © The Yeoman Team


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