1. yarn-upgrade-all
This is a command line utility program to upgrade all the packages in your package.json to the latest version (potentially upgrading packages across major versions).
Package: yarn-upgrade-all
Created by: tylerlong
Last modified: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 01:31:36 GMT
Version: 0.7.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 95,159
Repository: https://github.com/tylerlong/yarn-upgrade-all


npm install yarn-upgrade-all
yarn add yarn-upgrade-all


This is a command line utility program to upgrade all the packages in your package.json to the latest version
(potentially upgrading packages across major versions).


 yarn add --dev yarn-upgrade-all


 yarn yarn-upgrade-all

How does it work?

For every type of dependencies in package.json, run

yarn add [--dev|--peer] <package-names>`.

Additional options

You may pass additional options to the yarn add command:

yarn yarn-upgrade-all --option-1 --option-2

Which will invoke:

yarn add [--dev|--peer] <package-names> --option-1 --option-2

What if a package failed to install?

In that case, that package will be skipped and an error message will be printed.

You need to read the error message and manually install that package.

It is the recommended flow. Because if a package failed to install, most of the time, you need to manually troubleshoot the issue and fix the issue.

Ignore some packages

You can add the following to package.json file:

"yarn-upgrade-all": {
    "ignore": [

With configuration above, yarn-upgrade-all won't upgrade react for you.

Installation globally

 yarn global add yarn-upgrade-all

Installation on Windows

 npm install -g yarn-upgrade-all

:exclamation: Don't use yarn to install it on Windows because there is a bug: yarnpkg/yarn#2224.

Upgrade global packages

yarn-upgrade-all --global or yarn-upgrade-all -g


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