1. yarn-or-npm
Use Yarn or npm to execute a command
Package: yarn-or-npm
Created by: camacho
Last modified: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 07:02:54 GMT
Version: 3.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 678,738
Repository: https://github.com/camacho/yarn-or-npm


npm install yarn-or-npm
yarn add yarn-or-npm


Execute scripts with Yarn or npm.

 yarn add -D yarn-or-npm
# or
npm i --save-dev yarn-or-npm

The client is determined by a series of ordered checks:

  1. yarn.lock file is in the nearest package directory - yarn
  2. package-lock.json file is in the nearest package directory - npm
  3. yarn is installed - yarn
  4. Fallback - npm


 import yarnOrNpm, { spawn, hasYarn, hasNpm } from 'yarn-or-npm';

// String of `yarn` or `npm` returned

// Boolean values for hasYarn, hasNpm

// Spawn yarn or npm command

// Spawn sync option
spawn.sync(['init'], { stdio: 'inherit' });

Under the covers, there are cached lookup values being used for efficiency. These can be manually cleared:

 import yarnOrNpm from 'yarn-or-npm';
import { spawnSync } from 'child_process';

console.log(yarnOrNpm.hasYarn()); // false

spawnSync('npm', ['i', '-g', 'yarn'], { stdio: 'inherit' });

console.log(yarnOrNpm.hasYarn()); // false (cached)

console.log(yarnOrNpm.hasYarn()); // true


 yarn-or-npm <command>
# Can also use `yon` shorthand
yon <command>


Modules with bin files can be called directly in package.json scripts:

  "devDependencies": {
    "yarn-or-npm": "^1.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "compile": "babel src --out-dir dist",
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "prepublish": "yarn-or-npm run lint && yarn-or-npm run compile"


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