1. vue-drag-handle
a touch handle to drag something
Package: vue-drag-handle
Created by: vue-comps
Last modified: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 19:22:08 GMT
Version: 2.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 17
Repository: https://github.com/vue-comps/vue-drag-handle


npm install vue-drag-handle
yarn add vue-drag-handle


To make something responsive to dragging, a drag-handle is needed.


Used in


 npm install --save-dev vue-drag-handle
// vue touch@next - not released on npm until now
npm install --save-dev git://github.com/vuejs/vue-touch.git#next

// [email protected]
npm install --save-dev vue-drag-handle@1 vue-touch@1

or include build/bundle.js.


 # somewhere

# in your component
  "drag-handle": require("vue-drag-handle")
# or, when using bundle.js
  "drag-handle": window.vueComps.dragHandle

For examples see dev/.


Name type default description
factor Number 2 speed factor which is multiplied with the movement
z-index Number 1002 z-index of the overlay
max-left Number 0 maximum panning to the left
max-right Number 0 maximum panning to the right
offset Number 0 will be added to the position on move event
disabled Boolean false set to disable


Name description
move will be emitted on move. Argument is the current position (can be negative)
left (deprecated) will be emitted on end of panning if move reached max-left
right (deprecated) will be emitted on end of panning if move reached max-right
max will be emitted on end of panning with argument left when max-left is reached or right when max-right is reached
aborted will be emitted when panning didn't reach max-left or max-right
clean-click will be emitted on click which is no mouseup of final panning


  • 2.0.0
    now compatible with vue 2.0.0


Clone repository.

 npm install
npm run dev

Browse to http://localhost:8080/.


Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt
Licensed under the MIT license.



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