1. vue-comps-tooltip
a advanced tooltip
Package: vue-comps-tooltip
Created by: vue-comps
Last modified: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 19:14:09 GMT
Version: 1.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 22
Repository: https://github.com/vue-comps/vue-comps-tooltip


npm install vue-comps-tooltip
yarn add vue-comps-tooltip


a unstyled tooltip, which adjusts opening direction to be in viewport.



 npm install --save-dev vue-comps-tooltip

or include build/bundle.js.


 # in your component
  "tooltip": require("vue-comps-tooltip")
# or, when using bundle.js
  "tooltip": window.vueComps.tooltip
 <button> Hover

see dev/ for examples.


Name type default description
offset Number 0 offset to the parent
anchor String "snwe" direction of opening, viewport dependent. "s" forces to open down. "sn" would try to open down, the up.
ignore-parent Boolean false will not set-up mouseenter/mouseleave listener on parent
is-opened Boolean false (two-way) set to open / close
transition String "tooltip" name of a vue transition. Detailed description
parent Element parentElement where the tooltip should attach its listeners
on-body Boolean false will be positioned on body instead of parent element. Detailed description


Name description
before-enter will be called before open animation
after-enter will be called when opened
before-leave will be called before close animation
after-leave will be called when closed
toggled(isOpened:Boolean) emitted when gets opened or closed. Alternative to use two-way is-opened prop


There are two ways of positioning. The default is as a child of the parent element, the other posibility is on body.

  • The parent positioning can be problematic when you have an overflow:hidden as a parent to the nearest element with position:absolute|relative|fixed and the tooltip is overflowing.
  • the body positioning can be problematic when the parent is moving relative to body or when you depend on inheritance of styles.


You can provide a vue transition like this:

  // your transition
// or in the instance:
transitions: {
  fade: {
    // your transition
// usage:
template: "<tooltip transition='fade'></tooltip>"

You can access several properties in your enter hook:

 enter: function(el,cb) {
  // in which direction the tooltip will open. one of s, n, w or e
  // style properties as numbers
  this.offset // will be added on or subtracted of top or left depending on direction

see dev/transition for a working example.


  • 1.1.0
    added toggled event
    set default transition

  • 1.0.0
    renamed position prop to on-body - now is a boolean
    now using vue transitions
    events are renamed after vue transitions


Clone repository.

 npm install
npm run dev

Browse to http://localhost:8080/.


Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt
Licensed under the MIT license.



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