1. vue-cli-plugin-component-lib
The vue lib for markdown-it
Package: vue-cli-plugin-component-lib
Created by: ravenq
Last modified: Mon, 23 May 2022 12:52:22 GMT
Version: 0.1.6
License: MIT
Downloads: 184
Repository: https://github.com/ravenq/vue-cli-plugin-component-lib


npm install vue-cli-plugin-component-lib
yarn add vue-cli-plugin-component-lib


Build Status

create a component lib with example for @vue/cli 3.0.


  • example code for your component.
  • travis config if you need.
  • deploy to npm by travis.


First you need to install @vue/cli globally (follow the instructions here).

Then create a project and add the Element plugin:

 vue create my-app
cd my-app
vue add component-lib

Use with vue-cli UI

Skip this part if you've done everything in the Install section.

If you prefer managing your project in vue-cli UI (by running vue ui), here's how you can add component lib plugin: go to the Plugins menu, click the upper right + Add plugin button, find vue-cli-plugin-component-lib and install it.



create .travis.yml for you project.


depoly to npm by travis. and you may provide your email for you npm acount.

tips: you may config your travis env NPM_TOKEN first.

npm token

Hack in your component

 yarn serve


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