1. vue-api-queries
Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API
Package: vue-api-queries
Created by: chantouchsek
Last modified: Mon, 23 May 2022 11:55:39 GMT
Version: 1.2.1
License: ISC
Downloads: 22
Repository: https://github.com/chantouchsek/vue-api-queries


npm install vue-api-queries
yarn add vue-api-queries

Vue Api Queries.

Build Status
Latest Version on NPM
Software License

🔥 If you use Laravel, this package matches perfectly
with andersao/l5-repository.

This package helps you quickly to build requests for REST API. Move your logic and backend requests to dedicated
classes. Keep your code clean and elegant.

Wouldn't it be great if you could just use your back end to validate forms on the front end? This package provides a
BaseProxy class that does exactly that. It can post itself to a configured endpoint and manage errors. The class is
meant to be used with a Laravel back end, and it doesn't limit that you need only to work with laravel, Ruby on Rail,
NodeJs, ExpressJs, or any other languages.

Take a look at the usage section to view a detailed example on how to use it.


You can install the package via yarn (or npm):

npm install vue-api-queries
yarn add vue-api-queries


 import Vue from 'vue'
import VueApiQueries from 'vue-api-queries'


Nuxt Support

Put it on top of axios module

 export default {
  modules: [
    // simple usage
    // With options
    ['vue-api-queries/nuxt', { errorProperty: 'errors', blockDuplicate: false }],
  apiQueries: { errorProperty: 'errors', blockDuplicate: false },


If blockDuplicate enabled, the default option of axios-duplicate-blocker will be:

  blockDuplicate: false
  debug: true
  onPageChange: true
  blockByDefault: true
  headerBlockerKey: ''

you can overwrite it, by adding in config above.


baseURL is required.

You can define baseURL at .env just one of them


if your axios already defined in nuxt.config.js

 export default {
  axios: {
    baseURL: process.env.API_URL

Advance usage

-------------- Todo --------------

Vue plugins

 import Vue from 'vue'
import VueApiQueries from 'vue-api-queries'



Error response must look like: or base on errorProperty from config

  "errors": {
    "field": [
      "The field is required."

It will create $errors object inside components.

Methods are available:

Validator Description
has(field = null) check specific field error
first(field) get message by field name.
missed(field = null) check if there is no any error of given field name.
nullState(field = null) false
any() check if any errors exist.
get(field) get specific field.
all() get all errors.
count() get errors count.
fill(errors = {}) fill the errors object.
flush() clear all errors.
clear(field) clear specific error by field name.
onKeydown(event, 'baseFormName') event to clear error by event.target.name. (input the has name).

Using with Vuex

1.Create proxies folder or your prefer folder name for this


 import { BaseProxy } from 'vue-api-queries'

class NewsProxy extends BaseProxy {
  constructor(parameters = {}) {
    super('news', parameters)

export default NewsProxy


  • Create news store
  1. actions.js
  2. getters.js
  3. mutation-types.js
  4. mutations.js
  5. state


 import { ALL } from './mutation-types'
import { NewsProxy } from '~/proxies'
import { BaseTransformer, PaginationTransformer } from 'vue-api-queries'
import { pagination, notify } from '~/utils'

const proxy = new NewsProxy()

const all = async ({ commit, dispatch }, payload = {}) => {
  const { fn } = payload
  if (typeof fn === 'function') {
    await fn(proxy)
  try {
    const { data, meta } = await proxy.all()
    const all = {
      items: BaseTransformer.fetchCollection(data),
      pagination: PaginationTransformer.fetch(meta)
    await commit(ALL, all)
  } catch (e) {
    const data = { items: [], pagination }
    await commit(ALL, data)
    await notify({ response: e })

export default {


 export default {
  all: (state) => state.all


 export const ALL = 'ALL'

export default { ALL }


 import { ALL } from './mutation-types'

export default {
  [ALL](state, payload = {}) {
    const { items = [], pagination = {} } = payload
    state.all = items
    state.pagination = pagination


 export default () => ({
  all: [],
  pagination: {}

How to call in components or pages

  • news.vue pages

It can be called in mounted() or asyncData()

  • asyncData()
 export default {
  async asyncData({ app, store }) {
    const { id = null } = app.$auth.user
    await store.dispatch('news/all', {
      fn: (proxy) => {
            userId: id,
            include: ['categories']
          .removeParameters(['page', 'limit'])
  • mounted()
 export default {
  mounted() {
    const { id = null } = this.$auth.user
    this.$store.dispatch('news/all', {
      fn: (proxy) => {
            userId: id,
            include: ['categories']
          .removeParameters(['page', 'limit'])

You can set or remove any parameters you like.

Proxy's methods are available

Method Description
setParameter(key, value) Set param by key and value
removeParameter(key) Remove param by key
setParameters({ key: value, key1: value1 }) Set params by key and value
removeParameters([key1, key2]) Remove params by keys
removeParameters() Remove all params


Set parameters with key/value.

Note: If you to pass query string as object that can be response like object format at api side.


 const proxy = new ExampleProxy()
const parameters = {
  search: {
    first_name: 'Sek',
    last_name: 'Chantouch'
  page: {
    limit: 20,
    offset: 1
  order: {
    first_name: 'ASC',
    last_name: 'DESC'
  category_id: 6
const { data } = proxy.setParameters(parameters).all()
this.data = data

Note: Query object above will transform into query string like:


if setParameter that value is empty or null it will remove that param for query string


Example 1

 const proxy = new ExampleProxy()
const { data } = await proxy.setParameter('page', 1).all()
this.data = data

Expected will be:

  "page": 1

Example 2

 const proxy = new ExampleProxy()
const queryString = 'limit=10&page=1&search[name]=hello'
const { data } = await proxy.setParameter(queryString).all()
this.data = data

Expected will be:

  "limit": 10,
  "page": 1,
  "search": {
    "name": "hello"

Be sure to use only once in mounted() or asyncData() and asyncData() is only available in NuxtJs

Use proxy in components

  • news/_id.vue pages
 import { NewsProxy } from '~/proxies'

const proxy = new NewsProxy()

export default {
  methods: {
    async fetchNews(id) {
      try {
        const { data } = await proxy.find(id)
        this.detail = data
      } catch (e) {
  mounted() {


Can use vue-vlidator for client-side validator that inspired by Laravel.

Errors methods available

It can be called by this.$errors.**

Method Description
all() To get all errors messages
has(attribute) To check an attribute as any error
has(attributes) To check multiple attributes given have any errors
first(attribute) To get errors message by an attribute

How to use in vue component

  <v-form v-model='valid' lazy-validation @keydown.native='$errors.onKeydown' @submit.prevent='submit'>
        <v-col cols='12' md='4'>
            label='First name'
        <v-col cols='12' md='4'>
            label='Last name'
        <v-col cols='12' md='4'>
        <v-col cols='12' md='4'>
          <v-text-field v-model='email' label='E-mail' required />
export default {
  data: () => ({
    valid: false,
    firstname: '',
    lastname: '',
    email: '',
  methods: {
    submit() {
      this.$axios.$post('/account/create', {
        firstname: this.firstname,
        lastname: this.lastname,
        email: this.email
  beforeDestroy() {


Email: [email protected]

Twitter @DevidCs83


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