1. videojs-font
Video.js icon font
Package: videojs-font
Created by: videojs
Last modified: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 16:06:42 GMT
Version: 4.1.0
License: Apache-2.0
Downloads: 1,662,587
Repository: https://github.com/videojs/font


npm install videojs-font
yarn add videojs-font

Video.js Icon Font

This project contains all of the tooling necessary to generate a new icon font for Video.js. The icons themselves are from
Google's Material Design Icons (from the commonly available version 3 of the set, with version 4 symbols supplemented as custom SVGs) and Font Awesome.

You can see an overview of the icons used in the default Video.js font here: https://videojs.github.io/font/


 $ npm install grunt-cli # only if you don't already have grunt installed
$ npm install
$ grunt

Custom icons

You can add custom icons by calling grunt with the --custom-json option. It takes a comma delimited list of paths to JSON files of the same format as below and merges it with the default icons file.


 $ grunt --custom-json=./lib/custom.json,./lib/custom2.json

Making changes to the font

To make changes to the default Video.js font, simply edit the icons.json file. You can add or remove icons, either by just selecting new
SVGs from the Material Design set, or pulling in new SVGs altogether.

  "font-name": "VideoJS",
  "root-dir": "./node_modules/material-design-icons/",
  "icons": [
      "name": "play",
      "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_play_arrow_48px.svg"
      "name": "pause",
      "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_pause_48px.svg"
      "name": "cool-custom-icon",
      "svg": "neato-icon.svg",
      "root-dir": "./custom-icons/neato-icon.svg"

Once you're done, simply run grunt again to regenerate the fonts and scss partial. To edit the _icons.scss partial,
update templates/scss.hbs.

Creating your own font

If you are developing a Video.js plugin that uses custom icons, you can also create a new font instead of modifying the
default font. Simply specify a new font-name and define the icons you want to include:

  "font-name": "MyPluginFont",
  "root-dir": "./node_modules/material-design-icons/",
  "icons": [
      "name": "av-perm",
      "svg": "action/svg/production/ic_perm_camera_mic_48px.svg"
      "name": "video-perm",
      "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_videocam_48px.svg"
      "name": "audio-perm",
      "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_mic_48px.svg"

Generate the MyPluginFont font files using the --custom-json option:

 $ grunt --custom-json=MyPluginFont.json

Exclude default icons

By default, the regular Video.js icons are also included in the font. If you want to exclude these icons, when you're creating a Video.js plugin font for example, use the --exclude-default option.


 $ grunt --custom-json=MyPluginFont.json --exclude-default

Icon unicode strings

Videojs-font generates unicode strings for default and custom icons which are used as css pseudo-element content values by the videojs-icons.css file.

Version 4 default unicode values

Icon Name Unicode
play 'f101'
play-circle 'f102'
pause 'f103'
volume-mute 'f104'
volume-low 'f105'
volume-mid 'f106'
volume-high 'f107'
fullscreen-enter 'f108'
fullscreen-exit 'f109'
spinner 'f10a'
subtitles 'f10b'
captions 'f10c'
hd 'f10d'
chapters 'f10e'
downloading 'f10f'
file-download 'f110'
file-download-done 'f111'
file-download-off 'f112'
share 'f113'
cog 'f114'
square 'f115'
circle 'f116'
circle-outline 'f117'
circle-inner-circle 'f118'
cancel 'f119'
repeat 'f11a'
replay 'f11b'
replay-5 'f11c'
replay-10 'f11d'
replay-30 'f11e'
forward-5 'f11f'
forward-10 'f120'
forward-30 'f121'
audio 'f122'
next-item 'f123'
previous-item 'f124'
shuffle 'f125'
cast 'f126'
picture-in-picture-enter 'f127'
picture-in-picture-exit 'f128'
facebook 'f129'
linkedin 'f12a'
twitter 'f12b'
tumblr 'f12c'
pinterest 'f12d'
audio-description 'f12e'


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