1. testling
write tests for browser code
Package: testling
Created by: substack
Last modified: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 21:34:20 GMT
Version: 1.7.5
License: MIT/X11
Downloads: 650
Repository: https://github.com/substack/testling


npm install testling
yarn add testling


Run testling-ci tests locally.


write a test:

 var test = require('tape');

test('beep boop', function (t) {
    t.equal(1+1, 2);

run your test in a local headless browser:

$ browserify example/test.js | testling

TAP version 13
# beep boop
ok 1 should be equal
ok 2 (unnamed assert)

# tests 2
# pass  2

# ok

with an exit code of 0 for successes and non-zero for failures like a good unix

Once you have a package.json with a configured "testling" field, you can just

$ testling

to run all your tests locally just like they will be run on
testling-ci. This includes mocha harnesses, scripts,
and files parameters.


usage: testling {DIRECTORY|-} {OPTIONS}

If there (is no DIRECTORY and stdin is a tty) or the DIRECTORY is "-",
javascript will be read from stdin and executed.

Otherwise, DIRECTORY (or the $CWD) will be checked for a package.json with a
testling field.


     --html  Instead of launching a server, show the generated html.

  --no-show  Don't render the console.log() output to the document body.

         -u  Instead of launching a browser, print the url to visit so you can
             open the browser yourself.

         -x  Launch a browser with an explicit command. By default, chrome or
             firefox is launched by searching your $PATH.

     --host  Set up the testling url on a specific hostname. Default: localhost

     --port  Set up the testling url on a specific port

testling field

Read more about how the package.json "testling" field works.

code coverage

To compute code coverage, just use the
transform with -t coverify when you run browserify.

coverify writes coverage data with
console.log(), so you can pipe the output of testling through to the coverify
command to parse the results and give human-readable output:

$ browserify -t coverify test.js | testling | coverify

TAP version 13
# beep boop
ok 1 should be equal

# tests 1
# pass  1

# ok

# /home/substack/projects/coverify/example/test.js: line 7, column 16-28

  if (err) deadCode();

# /home/substack/projects/coverify/example/foo.js: line 3, column 35-48

  if (i++ === 10 || (false && neverFires())) {

The exit code of coverify is non-zero when there are unreachable expressions.


Make sure you have PhantomJS installed; this is the headless browser that testling will run your tests in if you are not using the -u option.


First, install browserify globally so that the testling command can find it
when there is no browserify in ./node_modules/.bin:

npm install -g browserify

then do:

npm install -g testling



attack of the testlings!


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