1. rollup-watch
Watch files for changes and perform incremental rebuilds with Rollup
Package: rollup-watch
Created by: rollup
Last modified: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:02:53 GMT
Version: 4.3.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 74,519
Repository: https://github.com/rollup/rollup-watch


npm install rollup-watch
yarn add rollup-watch


This module is used by the Rollup command line interface to enable automatic incremental rebuilds.

Install it to your project like so...

 npm install --save-dev rollup-watch

...then invoke it by adding the --watch flag (or -w) to the command that starts Rollup. In this example, npm run dev will create your bundle then recreate it whenever its sources change:

 // package.json
  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "build": "rollup -c",
    "dev": "rollup -c -w"


You can specify watch options in your rollup.config.js file:

 // rollup.config.js
export default {
  entry: 'src/main.js',
  watch: {
    chokidar: {
      // if the chokidar option is given, rollup-watch will
      // use it instead of fs.watch. You will need to install
      // chokidar separately.
      // this options object is passed to chokidar. if you
      // don't have any options, just pass `chokidar: true`

    // include and exclude govern which files to watch. by
    // default, all dependencies will be watched
    exclude: ['node_modules/**']




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