1. resolve-from
Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from a given path
Package: resolve-from
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:33:46 GMT
Version: 5.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 347,196,073
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/resolve-from


npm install resolve-from
yarn add resolve-from

resolve-from Build Status

Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path


$ npm install resolve-from


 const resolveFrom = require('resolve-from');

// There is a file at `./foo/bar.js`

resolveFrom('foo', './bar');
//=> '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/test/foo/bar.js'


resolveFrom(fromDirectory, moduleId)

Like require(), throws when the module can't be found.

resolveFrom.silent(fromDirectory, moduleId)

Returns undefined instead of throwing when the module can't be found.


Type: string

Directory to resolve from.


Type: string

What you would use in require().


Create a partial using a bound function if you want to resolve from the same fromDirectory multiple times:

 const resolveFromFoo = resolveFrom.bind(null, 'foo');

  • resolve-cwd - Resolve the path of a module from the current working directory
  • import-from - Import a module from a given path
  • import-cwd - Import a module from the current working directory
  • resolve-pkg - Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry point
  • import-lazy - Import a module lazily
  • resolve-global - Resolve the path of a globally installed module


MIT © Sindre Sorhus


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