1. require-extension-hooks-babel
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Package: require-extension-hooks-babel
Created by: jackmellis
Last modified: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 11:37:05 GMT
Version: 1.0.0
License: ISC
Downloads: 13,121
Repository: https://github.com/jackmellis/require-extension-hooks-babel


npm install require-extension-hooks-babel
yarn add require-extension-hooks-babel

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Simple parser for vue files

Using require-extension-hooks you can transpile ES6/7/.. code to run in node. Although node supports 99.999% of ES6 features there is one major omission: export/import syntax.


npm install require-extension-hooks require-extension-hooks-babel --save-dev


 const hooks = require('require-extension-hooks');
hooks('js').plugin('babel', {}).push();

// elsewhere...
import {foo} from './foo';

The second argument allows you to configure which options are passed into babel's transform function. By default this contains a node : current configuration to only use babel polyfills that node doesn't have.


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