1. replace-string
Replace all substring matches in a string
Package: replace-string
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 00:12:17 GMT
Version: 4.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 895,378
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/replace-string


npm install replace-string
yarn add replace-string


Replace all substring matches in a string

Similar to String#replace(), but supports replacing multiple matches. You could achieve something similar by putting the string in a RegExp constructor with the global flag and passing it to String#replace(), but you would then have to first escape the string anyways.

With Node.js 16, this package is partly moot as there is now a String#replaceAll method. However, it does not have a caseInsensitive option.


$ npm install replace-string


 import replaceString from 'replace-string';

const string = 'My friend has a šŸ‘. I want a šŸ‘ too!';

replaceString(string, 'šŸ‘', 'šŸ¦„');
//=> 'My friend has a šŸ¦„. I want a šŸ¦„ too!'


replaceString(string, needle, replacement, options?)

Returns a new string with all needle matches replaced with replacement.


Type: string

The string to work on.


Type: string

The string to match in input.


Type: string | Function

The replacement for needle matches.

If a function, it receives the matched substring, the match count, the original input, and the index in which the match happened (as measured from the original input):

 import replaceString from 'replace-string';

replaceString('Foo šŸ‘ Bar', 'šŸ‘', (matchedSubstring, matchCount, input, matchIndex) => `${matchedSubstring}ā¤ļø`);
//=> 'Foo šŸ‘ā¤ļø Bar'


Type: object


Type: number
Default: 0

Index at which to start replacing.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Whether or not substring matching should be case-insensitive.

  • execall - Find multiple RegExp matches in a string


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