1. postcss-calc
PostCSS plugin to reduce calc()
Package: postcss-calc
Created by: postcss
Last modified: Fri, 05 May 2023 13:18:31 GMT
Version: 9.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 45,563,359
Repository: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-calc


npm install postcss-calc
yarn add postcss-calc

PostCSS Calc PostCSS

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PostCSS Calc lets you reduce calc() references whenever it's possible.
When multiple units are mixed together in the same expression, the calc()
statement is left as is, to fallback to the W3C calc() implementation.


 npm install postcss-calc


 // dependencies
var fs = require("fs")
var postcss = require("postcss")
var calc = require("postcss-calc")

// css to be processed
var css = fs.readFileSync("input.css", "utf8")

// process css
var output = postcss()

Using this input.css:

 h1 {
  font-size: calc(16px * 2);
  height: calc(100px - 2em);
  width: calc(2*var(--base-width));
  margin-bottom: calc(16px * 1.5);

you will get:

 h1 {
  font-size: 32px;
  height: calc(100px - 2em);
  width: calc(2*var(--base-width));
  margin-bottom: 24px

Checkout tests for more examples.


precision (default: 5)

Allow you to define the precision for decimal numbers.

 var out = postcss()
  .use(calc({precision: 10}))

preserve (default: false)

Allow you to preserve calc() usage in output so browsers will handle decimal
precision themselves.

 var out = postcss()
  .use(calc({preserve: true}))

warnWhenCannotResolve (default: false)

Adds warnings when calc() are not reduced to a single value.

 var out = postcss()
  .use(calc({warnWhenCannotResolve: true}))

mediaQueries (default: false)

Allows calc() usage as part of media query declarations.

 var out = postcss()
  .use(calc({mediaQueries: true}))

selectors (default: false)

Allows calc() usage as part of selectors.

 var out = postcss()
  .use(calc({selectors: true}))


 div[data-size="calc(3*3)"] {
  width: 100px;

To replace the value of CSS custom properties at build time, try PostCSS Custom Properties.


Work on a branch, install dev-dependencies, respect coding style & run tests
before submitting a bug fix or a feature.

 git clone [email protected]:postcss/postcss-calc.git
git checkout -b patch-1
npm install
npm test




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