1. plur
Pluralize a word
Package: plur
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 21:25:07 GMT
Version: 5.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 6,406,835
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/plur


npm install plur
yarn add plur


Pluralize a word


 npm install plur


 import plur from 'plur';

//=> 'rainbows'

plur('unicorn', 4);
//=> 'unicorns'

plur('puppy', 2);
//=> 'puppies'

plur('box', 2);
//=> 'boxes'

plur('cactus', 2);
//=> 'cacti'


plur(word, plural?, count?)


Type: string

The word to pluralize.


Type: string

  • Irregular nouns will use this list.
  • Words ending in s, x, z, ch, sh will be pluralized with -es (eg. foxes).
  • Words ending in y that are preceded by a consonant will be pluralized by replacing y with -ies (eg. puppies).
  • All other words will have "s" added to the end (eg. days).

Explicitly provide the pluralized word.

The plural suffix will match the case of the last letter in the word.

This option is only for extreme edge-cases. You probably won't need it.


Type: number

The count to determine whether to use singular or plural. If omitted, defaults to plural.


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