1. mz
modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
Package: mz
Created by: normalize
Last modified: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 07:18:53 GMT
Version: 2.7.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 47,757,959
Repository: https://github.com/normalize/mz


npm install mz
yarn add mz

MZ - Modernize node.js

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Dependency Status

Modernize node.js to current ECMAScript specifications!
node.js will not update their API to ES6+ for a while.
This library is a wrapper for various aspects of node.js' API.

Installation and Usage

Set mz as a dependency and install it.

 npm i mz

Then prefix the relevant require()s with mz/:

 var fs = require('mz/fs')

fs.exists(__filename).then(function (exists) {
  if (exists) // do something

With ES2017, this will allow you to use async functions cleanly with node's core API:

 const fs = require('mz/fs')

async function doSomething () {
  if (await fs.exists(__filename)) // do something


Many node methods are converted into promises.
Any properties that are deprecated or aren't asynchronous will simply be proxied.
The modules wrapped are:

  • child_process
  • crypto
  • dns
  • fs (uses graceful-fs if available)
  • readline
  • zlib
 var exec = require('mz/child_process').exec

exec('node --version').then(function (stdout) {

Promise Engine

mz uses any-promise.


Can I use this in production?

Yes, Node 4.x ships with stable promises support. For older engines,
you should probably install your own promise implementation and register it with

Will this make my app faster?

Nope, probably slower actually.

Can I add more features?

Open an issue.

Currently, the plans are to eventually support:

  • New APIs in node.js that are not available in older versions of node
  • ECMAScript7 Streams


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