1. mocha-jsdom
Simple integration of jsdom into mocha tests
Package: mocha-jsdom
Created by: rstacruz
Last modified: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 01:29:18 GMT
Version: 2.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 36,114
Repository: https://github.com/rstacruz/mocha-jsdom


npm install mocha-jsdom
yarn add mocha-jsdom

Deprecation notice:
Consider jsdom-global instead, a simpler alternative that also works outside of Mocha. mocha-jsdom still works, but jsdom-global is better supported.


Test frontend libraries in the console using Node.js, mocha and jsdom.



 $ npm i --save-dev mocha-jsdom

npm version

Use jsdom() inside your describe(...) block (or the global context). It will
turn your Node.js environment into a mock browser environment supporting the
full DOM and browser API. The variables window, document, history (and so
on) will then be available for use.

 var jsdom = require('mocha-jsdom')
var expect = require('chai').expect

describe('mocha tests', function () {


  it('has document', function () {
    var div = document.createElement('div')


See examples/basic for an example of a basic setup.

Upgrading to v2.0.0

If you are coming from mocha-jsdom v1.x, remove jsdom if you're not using it before upgrading. jsdom is now a direct dependency of mocha-jsdom.

 # using Yarn
yarn remove jsdom
yarn upgrade mocha-jsdom
 # using npm
npm uninstall -S -D jsdom
npm upgrade mocha-jsdom

Node and io.js information

As of jsdom 4.0.0, jsdom now requires io.js and will not work with Node.js 0.12 or below.

How it works

mocha-jsdom is a simple glue to integrate jsdom to mocha.

Invoking jsdom() will inject before and after handlers to the current
mocha suite which will setup and teardown jsdom. Here's what it does:

  • Window: global.window will be available as the jsdom.

  • Globals: global variables like document and history are propagated,
    and they're cleaned up after tests run.

  • Error handling: jsdom errors are sanitized so that their stack traces are

NB: Before you try this library, learn about jsdom first. In fact, you may be
able to integrate jsdom into your tests without this library; this is mostly
syntactic sugar and reasonable defaults.

Using with a library

Perfect for testing small DOM-consuming utilities in the console. See
test/jquery.js for an example.

 describe('mocha tests', function () {

  var $

  before(function () {
    $ = require('jquery')

  it('works', function () {
    document.body.innerHTML = '<div>hola</div>'


See examples/basic for an example of a basic setup.

Using with a library, alternate

You can also pass the source code via src:

 describe('mocha tests', function () {
    src: fs.readFileSync('jquery.js', 'utf-8')



You can pass jsdom options:

 describe('mocha tests', function () {
    parsingMode: 'xml'


Working with mocha --watch

When using with --watch, you my encounter strange errors from 3rd-party
libraries like jQuery not working properly.

In these cases, use require('mocha-jsdom').rerequire instead of require().
This will ensure that the require() call will always happen.

 var $
var jsdom = require('mocha-jsdom')
var rerequire = jsdom.rerequire


before(function () {
  $ = rerequire('jquery')

Special config

Other mocha-jsdom specific options:

  • globalize - propagates to values in window to global. defaults to true.

  • console - allows you to use console.log inside a jsdom script. defaults
    to true.

  • useEach - bind to Mocha's beforeEach/afterEach rather than before/after.
    defaults to false.

  • skipWindowCheck - skips checking of window at startup. When false,
    mocha-jsdom will throw an error if window already exists. Defaults to false.

Testling support

Yes, fully compatible with testling. A test suite using jsdom should be able to use testling.

See examples/basic for a setup that allows for testing via iojs (jsdom), testling, and mocha via the browser.


mocha-jsdom © 2014-2018 Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.

Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list).





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