1. markdown-it-task-lists
A markdown-it plugin to create GitHub-style task lists
Package: markdown-it-task-lists
Created by: revin
Last modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 16:09:43 GMT
Version: 2.1.1
License: ISC
Downloads: 326,866
Repository: https://github.com/revin/markdown-it-task-lists


npm install markdown-it-task-lists
yarn add markdown-it-task-lists


A markdown-it plugin to create GitHub-style task lists

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What it does

  • Builds task/todo lists out of markdown lists with items starting with [ ] or [x].
  • Nothing else

Why is this useful?

When you have markdown documentation with checklists, rendering HTML checkboxes
out of the list items looks nicer than the raw square brackets.


 npm install markdown-it-task-lists


Use it the same as a normal markdown-it plugin:

 var md = require('markdown-it');
var taskLists = require('markdown-it-task-lists');

var parser = md().use(taskLists);

var result = parser.render(...); // markdown string containing task list items

The rendered checkboxes are disabled; to change this, pass a truthy value into
the enabled property of the plugin options:

 var parser = md().use(taskLists, {enabled: true});

If you'd like to wrap the rendered list items in a <label> element for UX
purposes, pass a truthy value to the label property of the plugin options:

 var parser = md().use(taskLists, {label: true});

To add the label after the checkbox pass a truthy value to labelAfter property:

 var parser = md().use(taskLists, {label: true, labelAfter: true});

Note: This option does require the label option to be truthy.

The options can be combined, of course.

Browser Usage

If you use one of the versions of this module available in dist/ directly in
a browser by including it with a <script> element, it will be available
globally in window.markdownitTaskLists.


 npm install
npm test




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