1. is-reference
Determine whether an AST node is a reference
Package: is-reference
Created by: Rich-Harris
Last modified: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 18:56:39 GMT
Version: 3.0.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 19,918,238
Repository: https://github.com/Rich-Harris/is-reference


npm install is-reference
yarn add is-reference


Utility for determining whether an AST node is a reference.

foo is a reference in these cases:

var foo;
function foo() {}
function bar(foo) {}
export { foo as x };

foo is not a reference in these cases:

 var obj = { foo: 1 };
export { x as foo };

In all cases, foo is an Identifier node, but the two kinds must be treated differently for the purposes of scope analysis etc. (The examples are non-exhaustive.)


 npm install is-reference


Example using Acorn and estree-walker:

 import { parse } from 'acorn';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import is_reference from 'is-reference';

const identifiers = [];
const references = [];

const ast = parse(`var a = b.c;`);

walk(ast, {
	enter(node, parent) {
		if (node.type === 'Identifier') identifiers.push(node);
		if (is_reference(node, parent)) references.push(node);

identifiers.forEach(node => console.log(node.name)); // a, b, c
references.forEach(node => console.log(node.name)); // a, b





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