1. gulp-zip
ZIP compress files
Package: gulp-zip
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:24:23 GMT
Version: 6.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 405,592
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-zip


npm install gulp-zip
yarn add gulp-zip


ZIP compress files


 npm install --save-dev gulp-zip


 import gulp from 'gulp';
import zip from 'gulp-zip';

export default () => (


Supports streaming mode.

zip(filename, options?)


Type: string


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: true


Type: Date
Default: undefined

Overrides the modification timestamp for all files added to the archive.

Tip: Setting it to the same value across executions enables you to create stable archives that change only when the contents of their entries change, regardless of whether those entries were "touched" or regenerated.


Type: boolean
Default: true

If true, the resulting ZIP file contents will be a buffer. Large zip files may not be possible to buffer, depending on the size of Buffer MAX_LENGTH.

If false, the ZIP file contents will be a stream.

We use this option instead of relying on gulp.src's buffer option because we are mapping many input files to one output file and can't reliably detect what the output mode should be based on the inputs, since Vinyl streams could contain mixed streaming and buffered content.


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