1. fs-monkey
Monkey patches for file system related things.
Package: fs-monkey
Created by: streamich
Last modified: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:46:50 GMT
Version: 1.0.5
License: Unlicense
Downloads: 53,578,478
Repository: https://github.com/streamich/fs-monkey


npm install fs-monkey
yarn add fs-monkey


Monkey-patches for filesystem related things.

  • Rewrite require function to load Node's modules from memory.
  • Or rewrite the whole fs filesystem module.


 npm install --save fs-monkey


An fs-like object is an object that implements methods of Node's
filesystem API.
It is denoted as vol:

 let vol = {
    readFile: () => { /* ... */ },
    readFileSync: () => { /* ... */ },
    // etc...


  • patchFs - rewrites Node's filesystem module fs with fs-like object vol
  • patchRequire - rewrites require function, patches Node's module module to use a given fs-like object for module loading


Unlicense - public domain.


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