1. file-system
Strengthen the ability of file system
Package: file-system
Created by: douzi8
Last modified: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 00:39:24 GMT
Version: 2.2.2
License: ISC
Downloads: 292,896
Repository: https://github.com/douzi8/file-system


npm install file-system
yarn add file-system

file-system — Simplified file system


This module make file opertaion apis simple, you don't need to care the dir exits. and the api is same as node's filesystem. This is no exists time cost for this plugin.

 var fs = require('file-system');

fs.mkdir('1/2/3/4/5', [mode], function(err) {});
fs.mkdirSync('1/2/3/4/5', [mode]);
fs.writeFile('path/test.txt', 'aaa', function(err) {})


npm install file-system --save



file extend node fs origin methods, and overwrite some methods with next list chart

 var file = require('file-system');
var fs = require('fs');

file.readFile === fs.readFile // true


The api is same as node's mkdir


The api is same as node's mkdir


The api is same as node's writeFile


The api is same as node's writeFile


The api equal file-match

.copyFile(srcpath, destpath, options)

Asynchronously copy a file into newpath

  • {string} srcpath required
  • {string} destpath required
  • {object} options
    • {string} options.encoding [options.encoding=utf8]
    • {function} options.done(err)
    • {function} options.process(content)
      The process argument must return processed content
 fs.copyFile('deom.png', 'dest/demo.png', {
  done: function(err) {

.copyFileSync(srcpath, destpath, options)

The api same as copyFile, but it's synchronous

 fs.copyFileSync('demo.png', 'dest/demo.png');
fs.copyFileSync('demo.css', 'dest/demo.css', {
  process: function(contents) {
    return contents;

.recurse(dirpath, filter, callback)

Recurse into a directory, executing callback for each file and folder.
if the filename is undefiend, the callback is for folder, otherwise for file.

  • {string} dirpath required
  • {string|array|function} filter
    If the filter is function, executing callback for all files and folder
  • {function} callback(filepath, filename, relative)
 fs.recurse('path', function(filepath, relative, filename) { });

fs.recurse('path', [
], function(filepath, relative, filename) {  
  if (filename) {
  // it's file
  } else {
  // it's folder

//  Only using files
fs.recurse('path', function(filepath, relative, filename) {  
  if (!filename) return;

filter params description

.recurseSync(dirpath, filter, callback)

The api is same as recurse, but it is synchronous

 fs.recurseSync('path', function(filepath, relative, filename) {

fs.recurseSync('path', ['**/*.js', 'path/**/*.html'], function(filepath, relative, filename) {


Recurse into a directory, remove all of the files and folder in this directory.


.copySync(dirpath, destpath, options)

Recurse into a directory, copy all files into dest.

  • {string} dirpath required
  • {string} destpath required
  • {object} options
    • {string|array} options.filter
    • {function} options.process(contents, filepath, relative)
      If custom the destpath, return object, otherwise return content
    • {string|array} options.noProcess
 fs.copySync('path', 'dest', { clear: true });

fs.copySync('src', 'dest/src');

fs.copySync('src', 'dest/src', { filter: ['*.js', 'path/**/*.css'] });

fs.copySync('path', 'dest', { 
  noProcess: '**/*.{jpg, png}',            // Don't process images
  process: function(contents, filepath, relative) {
    // only process file content
    return contents;
    // or custom destpath
    return {
      contents: '',
      filepath: ''

//Handler self files
fs.copySync('path', 'path', { filter: ['*.html.js'], process: function(contents, filepath) {} });


Deprecated, move to base64


Deprecated, move to base64Sync


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