1. esm-resolve
Resolves ESM imports in Node
Package: esm-resolve
Created by: samthor
Last modified: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 23:39:38 GMT
Version: 1.0.11
License: Apache-2.0
Downloads: 333,405
Repository: https://github.com/samthor/esm-resolve


npm install esm-resolve
yarn add esm-resolve


Sync ESM import resolver for Node written in pure JS.
This is written to be part of an ESM dev server or build process.
It is permissive by default, allowing some cases which would normally be failures.

⚠️ This resolver was writtem before import.meta.resolve() was widely available—it may work for you without adding yet another dependency.
However, "esm-resolve" is a bit more permissive.


Install and import "esm-resolve" via your favorite package manager.
Create a resolver based on the importing file.

 import buildResolver from 'esm-resolve';
import { buildResolver } from 'esm-resolve'; // also works

const r = buildResolver('./lib/file.js');

r('./relative'); // './relative.js'
r('foo-test-package-name'); // '../node_modules/foo-test-package-name/index.js'

Resolution logic is actually the same for any files in the same directory, so resolver objects can be reused (and they have a small bit of cache).

The resolved path is returned relative to the importer of that file, not your process' current directory.
You can set the resolveToAbsolute option if you'd always like an absolute path.


This implements modern Node resolution, i.e., subpath exports, subpath imports and conditional exports.
By default, it will rewrite to the "browser", "import" or "default" keys (not "node", as it's expected that you'll use this for browser builds).

It fails gracefully in many ways, including falling back to real paths if exports aren't defined.
It will also remove imports that point purely to ".d.ts" files (you don't need to create peer JS).

You can configure all these options via the resolver's second argument, e.g.:

 // Resolves for Node, and allows .mjs files.
const r = buildResolver('./lib/file.js', {
  constraints: 'node',
  matchNakedMjs: true,

// If there's a file "foo.mjs", this will now work:
r('./foo'); // './foo.mjs'

// Or if we're importing package with a node constraint:
r('node-only'); // '../node-modules/node-only/build-for-node.js'


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