1. eslint-config-react-app
ESLint configuration used by Create React App
Package: eslint-config-react-app
Created by: facebook
Last modified: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 18:09:30 GMT
Version: 7.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 17,517,987
Repository: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app


npm install eslint-config-react-app
yarn add eslint-config-react-app


This package includes the shareable ESLint configuration used by Create React App.

Please refer to its documentation:

Usage in Create React App Projects

The easiest way to use this configuration is with Create React App, which includes it by default.

You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.

Usage Outside of Create React App

If you want to use this ESLint configuration in a project not built with Create React App, you can install it with the following steps.

First, install this package and ESLint.

 npm install --save-dev eslint-config-react-app eslint@^8.0.0

Then create a file named .eslintrc.json with following contents in the root folder of your project:

  "extends": "react-app"

That's it! You can override the settings from eslint-config-react-app by editing the .eslintrc.json file. Learn more about configuring ESLint on the ESLint website.

Jest rules

This config also ships with optional Jest rules for ESLint (based on eslint-plugin-jest).

You can enable these rules by adding the Jest config to the extends array in your ESLint config.

  "extends": ["react-app", "react-app/jest"]

Accessibility Checks

The following rules from the eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y plugin are activated:

If you want to enable even more accessibility rules, you can create an .eslintrc.json file in the root of your project with this content:

  "extends": ["react-app", "plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended"],
  "plugins": ["jsx-a11y"]

However, if you are using Create React App and have not ejected, any additional rules will only be displayed in the IDE integrations, but not in the browser or the terminal.


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