1. check-for-leaks
avoid publishing secrets to git and npm
Package: check-for-leaks
Created by: zeke
Last modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:55:33 GMT
Version: 1.2.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 21,067
Repository: https://github.com/zeke/check-for-leaks


npm install check-for-leaks
yarn add check-for-leaks


avoid publishing secrets to git and npm


It's too easy to accidentally publish files like .npmrc or .env to a remote
git repo or the npm registry. It's even easier to make this mistake when your
project has both a .gitignore file and a .npmignore file.

If a .npmignore file exists, npm will disregard the .gitignore file. This
makes sense, but it is a subtle behavior that can have dangerous consequences:
Imagine that your project has a healthy .gitignore with all of the secrets
ignored, then you later add a .npmignore file to reduce the size of the
published module. Any patterns that you don't copy over from the .gitignore
file will now be included when you publish the module.

Usage (TLDR version)

To check your project for leaks before every git push or npm publish, run the following:

 cd my-vulnerable-project
npm i -g npe
npm i -D check-for-leaks husky
npe scripts.prepack check-for-leaks
npe scripts.prepush check-for-leaks

npe is a CLI for editing package.json files.
husky creates git hooks.

Usage (cool-story-bro version)

This package can be used from the command line or as a module.

Here's how the command line interface works:

check-for-leaks some/dir

You can also run it with no arguments and the current working directory
will be checked by default:

cd some/dir && check-for-leaks

The module looks in the given directory recursively for files with these names:

If no dangerous files are found, the CLI exits quietly:

check-for-leaks some/safe/project

If dangerous files are present in the tree but not ignored by the local
.gitignore file, warnings are emitted and the CLI exits ungracefully:

check-for-leaks some/unsafe/project

warning: .env is not in your .gitignore file
warning: .npmrc is not in your .gitignore file

If the directory also has a .npmignore file, it will be
checked too.

check-for-leaks some/project/with/npmignore/and/gitignore

'warning: .env is not in your .npmignore file'




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