1. babel-plugin-ramda
Ramda modularized builds without the hassle
Package: babel-plugin-ramda
Created by: megawac
Last modified: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 19:23:36 GMT
Version: 2.1.1
License: WTFPL
Downloads: 399,055
Repository: https://github.com/megawac/babel-plugin-ramda


npm install babel-plugin-ramda
yarn add babel-plugin-ramda

babel-plugin-ramda Build Status

This plugin is a transform to remove unused ramda dependencies, without forcing the user to cherry pick methods manually. This lets you use ramda naturally (aka as documented) without worrying about bundling parts you're not using.

See also babel-plugin-lodash.



 import R, {map} from 'ramda';

map(R.add(1), [1, 2, 3]);

Roughly to

 import add from 'ramda/src/add';
import map from 'ramda/src/map';

map(add(1), [1, 2, 3]);


  • You must be using ES6 imports (both specifiers and default work) to load ramda.


I receive TypeError: The plugin "ramda" didn’t export a Plugin instance

or, can I use this plugin with Babel v5?

Babel v5 is no longer supported. Use v0.1.2 for support.


Via .babelrc (Recommended)
  "plugins": ["ramda"]


  "plugins": [
    ["ramda", {
      "useES": true

to use the new ramda/es/ path for imports, which is available since Ramda 0.25. This is recommended as it uses ES modules rather than CommonJS. It defaults to ramda/src/ when omitted.

 $ babel --plugins ramda script.js
Via Node API
 require("babel-core").transform("code", {
  plugins: ["ramda"]


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