1. @tapjs/mock
tap plugin adding t.mockRequire() and t.mockImport()
Package: @tapjs/mock
Created by: tapjs
Last modified: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:26:21 GMT
Version: 1.3.2
License: BlueOak-1.0.0
Downloads: 120,665
Repository: https://github.com/tapjs/tapjs


npm install @tapjs/mock
yarn add @tapjs/mock


A default tap plugin adding t.mockRequire(), t.mockImport(),
and t.createMock()


This plugin is installed with tap by default. If you had
previously removed it, you can tap plugin add @tapjs/mock to
bring it back.

This is the way to do dependency injection at the module level.
When the loaded module, or anything it loads, loads something
that you've mocked, it'll get your mock instead of the real
thing. Useful for getting into those hard to trigger code paths.

 // test.mts
import t from 'tap'

t.test('handls stat failure by throwing', async t => {
  const mockStatSync = (p: string) => {
    t.equal(p, 'filename.txt')
    throw Object.assign(new Error('expected error'), {
      code: 'ENOENT',
  // supply type param so that TS knows what it returns
  const thingThatDoesStat = await t.mockImport<
    typeof import('../dist/my-statty-thing.js')
  >('../dist/my-statty-thing.js', {
    'node:fs': { statSync: mockStatSync },

  t.throws(() => thingThatDoesStat('filename.txt'), {
    message: 'expected error',
    code: 'ENOENT',

t.mockImport(module, [mocks]): Promise<any>

Load the module with import(). If any mocks are provided, then
they'll override the module's imported deps. This works for both
ESM and CommonJS modules.

t.mockRequire(module, [mocks]): any

Same as t.mockImport(), but synchronously using require()
instead. This only works with CommonJS, and only mocks CommonJS
modules loaded.

t.mockAll(mocks?: Record<string,any> | null): Record<string, any>

Convenience method to set the mocks for all subsequent calls to
t.mockRequire or t.mockImport for the remainder of the test.

Mocks added with mockAll are overridden by any explicit mocks
set in the t.mockRequire or t.mockImport call.

Repeated calls to t.mockAll() will add mocks to the set. If the same
name is used again, it will replace the previous value, not merge.

If a key is set to undefined or null, then it will be removed from
the mockAll set.

Reset by calling t.mockAll(null)

Call with no args to return the current mockAll object.

t.createMock(originalModule, mockOverrides): mockedModule

Sometimes you only want to override one function or property,
perhaps buried deep within a module's exports, but leave all the
rest of it intact.

This function makes it easy to do that.

 import * from 'tap'
import * as FS from 'node:fs'

t.test('situation where we get a bogus file descriptor', async t => {
  const { thing } = await t.mockImport<typeof import('../dist/my-thing.js')>(
    { 'node:fs': t.createMock(FS, { openSync: () => true }) }
  t.throws(() => thing(), {
    // imagine this is the error we get for some reason
    message: 'got non-numeric file descriptor: true',


The t.mockImport() function relies on the @tapjs/mock/loader
loader being used, which this plugin adds to tap's set of

If you run tests directly with node, and they use t.mockImport
then you'll have to include --loader=@tapjs/mock/loader to the
command line arguments ahead of the main script filename.


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