1. @fast-check/jest
Property based testing for Jest based on fast-check
Package: @fast-check/jest
Created by: dubzzz
Last modified: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:07:41 GMT
Version: 1.8.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 91,896
Repository: https://github.com/dubzzz/fast-check


npm install @fast-check/jest
yarn add @fast-check/jest


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Bring the power of property based testing framework fast-check into Jest.
@fast-check/jest simplifies the integration of fast-check into Jest testing framework.

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Getting Started

Install @fast-check/jest:

 npm install --save-dev @fast-check/jest

In order to work properly, @fast-check/jest requires jest to be installed.

We also highly recommend users to launch their tests using the --show-seed option provided by Jest. It ensures Jest will always print the seed by itself (requires Jest ≥29.2.0).

 jest --show-seed


 import { test, fc } from '@fast-check/jest';

// for all a, b, c strings
// b is a substring of a + b + c
test.prop([fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string()])('should detect the substring', (a, b, c) => {
  return (a + b + c).includes(b);

// Or the exact same test but based on named parameters
test.prop({ a: fc.string(), b: fc.string(), c: fc.string() })('should detect the substring', ({ a, b, c }) => {
  return (a + b + c).includes(b);

The it and test functions returned by @fast-check/jest are just enriched versions of the ones coming from jest itself. They both come with .prop.

Please note that the properties accepted by @fast-check/jest as input can either be synchronous or asynchronous (even just PromiseLike instances). In other words, the predicate passed as the last argument can be asynchronous.

Remark: it and test have been introduced in 1.4.0. You have to refer to Deprecated API if you are using a version of @fast-check/jest <1.4.0.


Support for variations of test and it

If you want to forward custom parameters to fast-check, test.prop and its variants accept an optional fc.Parameters (more).

@fast-check/jest also comes with support for .only, .skip, .todo and .concurrent from jest. It also accepts more complex ones such as .concurrent.failing or .concurrent.only.failing.

 import { it, test, fc } from '@fast-check/jest';

// With custom `fc.Parameters`, here { seed: 4242 }
test.prop([fc.nat(), fc.nat()], { seed: 4242 })('should replay the test for the seed 4242', (a, b) => {
  return a + b === b + a;

// With .skip
test.skip.prop([fc.fullUnicodeString()])('should be skipped', (text) => {
  return text.length === [...text].length;

// With it version
describe('with it', () => {
  it.prop([fc.nat(), fc.nat()])('should run too', (a, b) => {
    return a + b === b + a;

Experimental worker-based runner

The following feature is experimental! When used it makes runners able to kill long running synchonous code. Meaning that it will make fast-check able to kill infinite loops blocking the main thread. So far, the feature does not fully support transformations performed via transform steps defined with jest.

The CommonJS approach would be:

 const { init, fc } = require('@fast-check/jest/worker');
const { pathToFileURL } = require('node:url');

const { test, expect } = init(pathToFileURL(__filename));
// can also be passed options such as isolationLevel: init(pathToFileURL(__filename), {})

test.prop([fc.constant(null)])('should pass', (value) => {

The ES Modules approach would be:

 import { init, fc } from '@fast-check/jest/worker';

const { test, expect } = await init(new URL(import.meta.url));
// can also be passed options such as isolationLevel: init(new URL(import.meta.url), {})

test.prop([fc.constant(null)])('should pass', (value) => {

⚠️ Do not forget to add the await before init for the ES Module version!

Deprecated API

Our old API was not as close from jest as the current one is. Writing a property was done via:

 import { testProp, fc } from '@fast-check/jest';

testProp('should detect the substring', [fc.string(), fc.string(), fc.string()], (a, b, c) => {
  return (a + b + c).includes(b);

This API is available in all 1.x versions but may not exist anymore starting at 2.x.

Minimal requirements

@fast-check/jest jest fast-check node
^1.0.0 >=26.5.0(1)(2) ^3.0.0 >=14.15.0(3) and <18, >=18.17.0 and <19(4), >=20
  • (1) any version of jest should be greater or equal than 26.5.0 if you are using commonjs
  • (2) in order to use esm build, you may need to enable experimental features of node, see here
  • (3) minimal requirements for jest
  • (4) timeout defined on jest might not be properly applied to fast-check for node 18 (until 18.17.0) and node 19, see #4004



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