1. @devexpress/callsite-record
Create fancy log entries for errors and function call sites.
Package: @devexpress/callsite-record
Created by: inikulin
Last modified: Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:07:56 GMT
Version: 4.1.7
License: MIT
Downloads: 513,673
Repository: https://github.com/inikulin/source-frame


npm install @devexpress/callsite-record
yarn add @devexpress/callsite-record


Build Status

Create fancy log entries for errors and function call sites.

For Error:

 'use strict';

const createCallsiteRecord = require('callsite-record');

function myFunc() {
    throw new Error('Yo!');

try {
catch(err) {
    console.log(createCallsiteRecord({ forError: err }).renderSync());


For function call up in the stack:

 'use strict';

const createCallsiteRecord = require('callsite-record');

function func2 () {
    (function func1 () {
        console.log(createCallsiteRecord({ byFunctionName: 'func2' }).renderSync());



Additional goodies:

  • Use renderers for different output formats, e.g. to produce output in HTML.
  • Use stack filter to produce clean and beautiful stacks, e.g. removing Node lib internal calls.


npm install callsite-record


createCallsiteRecord( { forError, isCallsiteFrame, processFrameFn }) → CallsiteRecord

You can generate a callsite for any stack frame, not only the topmost one. Use the isCallsiteFrame function to select
a frame. This function is called for each frame starting from the top. Return true for the desired frame to generate
the callsite.


 const createCallsiteRecord = require('callsite-record');

try {
    throw new Error("We're doomed");
catch(err) {
    const record = createCallsiteRecord({ forError: err });

createCallsiteRecord({ byFunctionName, typeName, processFrameFn }) → CallsiteRecord

Creates CallsiteRecord for the function up in the call stack specified by byFunctionName. You can optionally specify a
typeName if the function is a method. If the function is a constructor set byFunctionName to constructor.


 const createCallsiteRecord = require('callsite-record');

(function func1() {
    (function func2() {
        (function func3() {
            const record = createCallsiteRecord({ byFunctionName: 'func2' });

You can specify processFrameFn function, which will process every frame in callstack. It's usefull when you need to
enable frame processing like source-maps-support.


 const createCallsiteRecord = require('callsite-record');
const wrapCallSite         = require('source-map-support').wrapCallSite;

try {
    throw new Error("We're doomed");
catch(err) {
    const record = createCallsiteRecord({ forError: err, processFrameFn: wrapCallSite });

(function func1() {
    (function func2() {
        (function func3() {
            const record = createCallsiteRecord({ byFunctionName: 'func2', processFrameFn: wrapCallSite });


CallsiteRecord.render([renderOptions]) → Promise<String>

Renders call site record to the string.


 record.render().then(str => console.log(str));

CallsiteRecord.renderSync([renderOptions]) → String

Sync version of the CallsiteRecord.render.


Specifies the number of lines rendered above and below the call site in the code frame. Default: 5.


 console.log(record.renderSync({ frameSize: 0 }));
// > 12 |    func1();
// ...

console.log(record.renderSync({ frameSize: 1 }));
//   11 |(function func2() {
// > 12 |    func1();
//   13 |})();
// ...

Specifies if code frame should be rendered. If disabled only stack will be rendered. Default: true.


Specifies if stack trace should be rendered in addition to the code frame. Default: true.


Function that will be used to filter stack frames. Function accepts 2 arguments:

  • stackFrame - stack entry.
  • idx - index of the frame.
  • isV8StackFrame - if true then stackFrame is a V8 CallSite object.
    Otherwise it's a StackFrame object.

Default: null.


 const sep = require('path').sep;

// Remove node core lib calls from the stack trace
record.renderSync({ stackFilter: frame => frame.getFileName().indexOf(sep) > -1 });

Specifies the output format of the rendering. Default: renderers.default. You can pass your own
renderer object (example implementations) or use
one of the built-in renderers:


Provides ANSI-colored output as shown above.


 const defaultRenderer = require('callsite-record').renderers.default;

record.renderSync({ renderer: defaultRenderer });

Same as default renderer but without colors.


 const noColorRenderer = require('callsite-record').renderers.noColor;

record.renderSync({ renderer: noColorRenderer });

Outputs HTML that can be later decorated with the CSS and embeded into the web page. Example output.


 const htmlRenderer = require('callsite-record').renderers.html;

record.renderSync({ renderer: html });


Ivan Nikulin ([email protected])


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