1. @testing-library/user-event
Fire events the same way the user does
Package: @testing-library/user-event
Created by: testing-library
Last modified: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:54:08 GMT
Version: 14.5.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 37,866,088
Repository: https://github.com/testing-library/user-event


npm install @testing-library/user-event
yarn add @testing-library/user-event



Fire events the same way the user does

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MIT License
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The problem


[...] it is becoming apparent the need to express user actions on a web page
using a higher-level abstraction than fireEvent

The solution

user-event tries to simulate the real events that would happen in the browser
as the user interacts with it. For example userEvent.click(checkbox) would
change the state of the checkbox.

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more
confidence they can give you.


Looking to contribute? Look for the Good First Issue label.

🐛 Bugs

Please file an issue for bugs, missing documentation, or unexpected behavior.

See Bugs

💡 Feature Requests

Please file an issue to suggest new features. Vote on feature requests by adding
a 👍. This helps maintainers prioritize what to work on.

See Feature Requests

❓ Questions

For questions related to using the library, please visit a support community
instead of filing an issue on GitHub.


We most sincerely thank the people who make this project
. Contributions of any kind are welcome! 💚




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